Tuesday, May 19, 2015


The head of the Catholic Diocese of San Francisco is Archb SALVATORE CORDILEONE.His name means
"the heart of a lion" and he is living up to his name in spades.He is making sure that his diocese stays orthodox to the Catholic faith. And he is getting opposition from the people in his own diocese.But he is
standing firm for the faith.Those that are opposing him had a petition that they sent to the pope.In this petition they used the dumb quote used by the pope himself:"Who am I to judge".We can judge any overt speech or
actions.We cannot judge what's in a persons mind,heart,or soul.But we judge overt actions like homosexual
acts of sodomy that we see being committed,or speech  that proclaims pride in committing acts of sodomy.


     The lion hearted Godfather of San Francisco  SALVATORE CORDILEONE is following the good
example of another lion hearted bishop--Bishop von Galen "The Lion Of Munster" of Munster,Germany.
During the Nazi pagan period in Germany Bishop von Galen spoke out against Nazi programs and policies.
This was during the period of Gestopo concentration and death camps.The Gestopo sent word to him that if he didn't shut up they were going to come and get him.
       His reply was--"Let them come and I will meet them on the cathedral steps IN FULL REGALIA"
If only more bishops had that fortitude and guts in the Catholic church today. 

Bishop August von Galen Spoke Out     *****

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