Friday, May 29, 2015


On Wednesday,June 3rd,The Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Charles Lwanga who was mytyrd by his homosexual king.Charlie and his friends  refused to participate in the homosexual orgies of
his king in Africa. Is this what the future holds for us in the Americas.Only time will tell.
Also Ireland has passed a national sodomy marriage law. If they have the same media and school system as we do --so what else is new??? The children have been propagandized into thinking that sodomy(thats what homosexuality is-- the practice of sodomy)is good. Sodomy marriage laws just legalize sodomy.
            The ST Charles Lwanga Story

  The bishops of the catholic church have not protected the morals and faith of the catholic children in the public schools. The parents have neglected their children in the same way.They have let the schools do what ever they wantedThe bishops should have shouted from the housetops concerning sodomybeing promoted in the schools. The same goes for the parent who is the primary educator of their children plus the fact that they pay the taxes that pay for the schools.The catholic church in America has become a self imposed catacomb church. They go to Mass on Sunday and then retreat to their catacomb homes and leave the public square to everyone else.Instead of the church evangelizing the culture,the culture is evangelizing the
the church.In this respect Vatican II was a dismal failure.

A New York times reporter  reported that a multi- millionaire pro homosexual stated that they will fight to have the Catholic church remove sodomy/homosexuality from their mortal sin list.This is the fight that is coming.They have the resources and the media control to carry on this battle.
What people forget(with the aid of the media) that they did the same thing with the American Psychiatric Association. They BULLIED the APA to remove sodomy/homosexuality from their disorder list and  won because the APA delegates caved to their demands and folded up.
    Will the Catholic church fold up in this coming battle? They caved in on the recent battle over sodomy marriage in Mass. and RI. Especially the Knights of Columbus here in RI and Mass. The KoC went AWOL.Will the they go awol on the national battle over sodomy marriage?? Will the catholics and the KoC go awol on  the coming battle to remove sodomy/homosexuality from the Catholic churches mortal sin list??  We will see!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, May 28, 2015


May 27, 2015
Catholic group exposes Red influence in the Vatican

By Cliff Kincaid

Doing the research and investigative work that the major U.S. media have all but abandoned, an organization called the American Life League (ALL) has uncovered dramatic evidence of links between the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church and an international communist group known as the World Social Forum. The evidence suggests overt Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing.

The ALL report, a 76-page PowerPoint presentation complete with original source material and numerous photographs, documents how Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican's top social justice organization, is actually "providing leadership" to the communist group.

The report's author, Michael Hichborn, stated, "This is a very serious problem. Given how intimately connected the World Social Forum (WSF) has been with the promotion of communism, abortion, and homosexuality since the very beginning, it's impossible to see how any Catholic can participate in it, or even speak positively about it, let alone have any involvement in its governance. But Caritas Internationalis does!"

These allegations can't be dismissed as anti-Catholic bigotry, since the American Life League is itself a Catholic organization that has been working for years to expose Catholic funds and organizations that promote causes at variance with official Catholic teaching.

However, Hichborn tells Accuracy in Media that except for specialized publications such as Lifesitenews, the media have ignored the report.

The ALL report on the WSF includes eye-opening photographs from the group's events, featuring open displays of communist flags and banners as well as images of such personalities as Lenin, Castro, and Mao.

Most of our media, of course, reported on the "death" of communism after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

But the ALL report notes that "There can be no mistaking the materialist and revolutionary (Communist) nature of the forum itself, which sets it in opposition to the Catholic Church."

Hichborn told AIM that he delivered a copy of the report to the Vatican office known as Cor Unum, but that nothing came of it, and that one Vatican official concerned about the issue was relieved of his duties.

ALL identifies the other Catholic groups involved in the activities of the WSF as Pax Christi, Center of Concern, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Catholic Relief Services, and CIDSE, an international alliance of Catholic development agencies.

An independent review of the ALL report confirms the research into the links between Caritas Internationalis and the WSF. In fact, a document on the Caritas website still affirms that "Caritas has been involved in the WSF since its beginnings. Caritas believes it's an opportunity to exchange ideas and to build the momentum towards real change."

After the ALL report was released, a conference at the Vatican was sponsored by Caritas Internationalis that featured Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University professor and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Gustavo Gutierrez, the father of Marxist-oriented Liberation Theology.

As Accuracy in Media reported, Sachs wrote an article for the Jesuit publication America attacking the "American idea" of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as narrow and selfish. He suggests that America's founding document is outmoded and incompatible with his idea of Catholic teaching about social justice.

Sachs is an advocate of global taxes to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people in order to finance some form of world government. The climate change movement, based on dubious science, is the most popular current vehicle that Sachs and others are using to bring this about.

Seizing on Sachs' extraordinary remarks in a major Catholic publication, the well-known writer Edward Cline comments on the Family Security Matters website that "It would take a village – or, at least, the 'global' one – to subjugate and sack America. That is what is being proposed by Jeffrey Sachs."

The Cline piece carries the title "The 'Sach-ing' of America," and he concludes that "In its essentials, Sachs' plan for the future sacking of America differs little from Islam's."

In short, the American way of life is at risk, this time from a Vatican alliance with America's academic elites and the U.N.

The World Social Forum itself just held another international conference focusing on one aspect of the Sachs agenda: global taxes. The WSF announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, including a statement that "Our vision entails progressive redistributive taxation polices that fund the vital public services, end inequality and poverty, address climate change and lead to sustainable development."

The topic fits nicely with the expected papal encyclical on climate change.

At the Caritas conference, Pope Francis adviser Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga said that critics of the proposed papal document are advocates of an "ideology" that he concludes "is too tied to a capitalism that doesn't want to stop ruining the environment because they don't want to give up their profits."

Critics are concerned because of the pope's several statements indicating hostility to the system of capitalism and free markets that has brought prosperity to hundreds of millions of people.

This kind of Marxist rhetoric from a top Vatican adviser makes it appear as if the pope has aligned himself with an ideology that, despite the "collapse" of communism, is still very much alive, and which the Black Book of Communism says has already claimed 100 million lives.

The recent cordial Francis visit with Cuban dictator Raul Castro only adds to the growing concern.

"Pope Francis will give us his encyclical letter on ecology," said Maradiaga, anticipating its impact. "This year is a unique opportunity to take responsibility for the future of our world and the lives of future generations."

The title of the Caritas conference was "One Human Family, Caring for Creation." But it appears that the "caring" part lies in replacing capitalism with structures of "global governance" that involve a massive transfer of political and economic power to international organizations like the United Nations.

After Maradiaga stepped down, he was replaced by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, as the new president of Caritas Internationalis. But Maradiaga continues as the coordinator of a group of nine cardinals that serves as Francis's Council of Cardinals.

© Cliff Kincaid

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


    Memorial Day is celebrated on a Monday to give workers a three day weekend. Monday should be called B & B Day(Barbecue and Beach Day.)
     We should  remember on this day the sacrifices of our armed forces in past wars.

.The Vietnam War was mentioned very prominently in the media and given the usual media spin.Contrary to the media spin. The Vietnam War was a good war and fought for good reasons.We were trying to help the South Vietnamese to
retain their freedom and control of their government.
       When Vietnam was divided in half-- the north was controlled by the Communists and the South by those who wanted to be free. Three million people in the north voted with their feet and went south.Then the communist north  began to try to gain control of the south by guerrilla warfare.The US and other countries went to the aid of South Vietnam and so the war was on.
       (Sen Reed and McCain are going to Vietnam for business reasons.Are they going to fight for the religious freedom and other freedoms lost under the communist regime????They are going to bailout the communist  dictatorship in Vietnam,just like Potus Obama is trying to do in communist Cuba.)

 On this day we should meditate on our pledge:
                    "I pledge allegiance to the flag,AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS,one nation,UNDER GOD,with liberty and justice for all."

 We should recite Lincoln's prayer he said at Gettysburg,Pa. November 19.1863:
                       "...that this nation,UNDER GOD,shall not perish from the face of this earth."  AMEN               

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


     On the right side of the posts is a list of good web sites.The site Les Femmes is a site by a  Catholic
grandmother. She tells it like it is--from telling about her family to telling off the bishops when they need
to be admonished. The other good aspect of her blog is her list of good web sites-and it's a long one.
      Several sites are legal sites --The Thomas More Law,Alliance for Freedom,ACLJ,Liberty Counsel,
Judicial Watch. They are daily fighting cases in the courts-state and federal.They are fighting the ACLU
on many issues AND WINNING. That's where I put my money contributions. I don't give to big
bureaucratic charities. I give directly to the charity itself. That way I know that my money is going only to the causes that I believe in. Most of the important issues of today are being fought in the courts.
        Some are devoted to the pro-life cause--American Life League,Human Life Int.
        Several are devoted to telling the truth about homosexuality--Mass Resistance,Narth,
        Two deal with the creation issue-Kolbe Center,Discovery Institute  
  There is a lot of crap on the internet but there is a lot of good web sites which we will add to our list.
         The internet puts control of the news into the hands of the people. WE don't have to rely on the
leftist/progressive/communist media for the news-- we can go directly to any site and get the news
first hand.    
         KEEP THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


The head of the Catholic Diocese of San Francisco is Archb SALVATORE CORDILEONE.His name means
"the heart of a lion" and he is living up to his name in spades.He is making sure that his diocese stays orthodox to the Catholic faith. And he is getting opposition from the people in his own diocese.But he is
standing firm for the faith.Those that are opposing him had a petition that they sent to the pope.In this petition they used the dumb quote used by the pope himself:"Who am I to judge".We can judge any overt speech or
actions.We cannot judge what's in a persons mind,heart,or soul.But we judge overt actions like homosexual
acts of sodomy that we see being committed,or speech  that proclaims pride in committing acts of sodomy.


     The lion hearted Godfather of San Francisco  SALVATORE CORDILEONE is following the good
example of another lion hearted bishop--Bishop von Galen "The Lion Of Munster" of Munster,Germany.
During the Nazi pagan period in Germany Bishop von Galen spoke out against Nazi programs and policies.
This was during the period of Gestopo concentration and death camps.The Gestopo sent word to him that if he didn't shut up they were going to come and get him.
       His reply was--"Let them come and I will meet them on the cathedral steps IN FULL REGALIA"
If only more bishops had that fortitude and guts in the Catholic church today. 

Bishop August von Galen Spoke Out     *****

Sunday, May 17, 2015

News & Views 1

  1. A train crashed and because of excesive unexplained speed. Questions arise. 1Are these trains controlled by computers? 2.Can someone outside of the train get complete control of these trains? 3.Can the authorities ascertain that the computers had been compromised????
  2. Mr. Stepingonallofus of ABC news,who is supposed to be an objective journalist  was caught donating to the Clintons library.So what's new?????  These so called journalists are nothing but high priced politically correct presstitutes.In the last two elections they acted like pom-pom girls for the Obama campaign.In the last election the people had a clear choice between a left/progressive/communist type and a private enterprise,free market,free enterprise,entrepreneur and the uninformed people elected the former The media kept them dumb and happy. We have had eight years of leftist/progressive/communist rule The media. acted like Obama's propaganda ministry since he first entered politics.           

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


     One of the candidates for president is Dr.Ben Carson. One of his policies is to replace the
Obamacare program with a system of individual citizen PERSONAL HEALTH SAVINGS
ACCOUNTS. Each citizen would have their own tax free PHSA.They would own and manage
their own account.The money could only be used for legitimate health expenses(i.e. health
 insurance premiums,copays,etc.) The per capita cost for Obamacare will be about $2000-
$4000. The federal government could have put this money into a citizen's PHSA. This would
put the control of health care spending in the hands of the individual citizen or family,rather
than in a federal bureaucracy.This is the best way to control health expenditures.He mentions
this plan in the following video,but the leftist/progressive/communist national media ignored it.

     Dr. Carson would make a wonderful president or vice-president.He is just the opposite of
president Obama.He respects the US Constitution,our free enterprise system,our Judeo-
Christian traditions.
     I would like the opportunity to vote for Dr.Carson,a black man.I did not vote for Barack
Obama because he is a leftist/progressive/communist type.I don't vote for this type whatever
their skin color,gender,or nationality is.
     Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are idealogues of  communist Saul Alinsky.

Monday, May 11, 2015



       The truth in and of itself will not make you free.Truth must be acted upon,promoted,put into
       One can know the truth and not act on it.This could be the result of many factors:laziness,
    cowardice,fear of hurting another's feelings,fear of being smeared with insults  by the media,etc.,etc.
       The mission statement of this blog is:TO TELL THE TRUTH,THE WHOLE TRUTH,AND          
        The truth is that which is in conformity with reality.


          Our beloved country has a system of government that gives its sovereign citizens the most
     freedom of any system of government on this earth. The founding fathers put this system into
     a written constitution  which was in conformity with  human nature of human beings.They
     amended the original constitution to protect and preserve some specific rights of its citizens
     and to limit the power of the federal government.
          The founding principle of our country is that there is a Creator of the universe and that
     our natural rights come from that Creator of the natural universe and the purpose of  a
     government is to protect and preserve these  Creator endowed natural rights for ourselves
    and future generations.
           Each generation has the duty and responsibility to protect and preserve our
    USA CONSTITUTION from any enemies,foreign or domestic.