Wednesday, May 13, 2015


     One of the candidates for president is Dr.Ben Carson. One of his policies is to replace the
Obamacare program with a system of individual citizen PERSONAL HEALTH SAVINGS
ACCOUNTS. Each citizen would have their own tax free PHSA.They would own and manage
their own account.The money could only be used for legitimate health expenses(i.e. health
 insurance premiums,copays,etc.) The per capita cost for Obamacare will be about $2000-
$4000. The federal government could have put this money into a citizen's PHSA. This would
put the control of health care spending in the hands of the individual citizen or family,rather
than in a federal bureaucracy.This is the best way to control health expenditures.He mentions
this plan in the following video,but the leftist/progressive/communist national media ignored it.

     Dr. Carson would make a wonderful president or vice-president.He is just the opposite of
president Obama.He respects the US Constitution,our free enterprise system,our Judeo-
Christian traditions.
     I would like the opportunity to vote for Dr.Carson,a black man.I did not vote for Barack
Obama because he is a leftist/progressive/communist type.I don't vote for this type whatever
their skin color,gender,or nationality is.
     Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are idealogues of  communist Saul Alinsky.

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