Monday, June 29, 2015


The pope's new encyclical,which is giving the leftist,progressive,communist media political orgasms, gives the pope's personal opinion on the issue of man made environmental hazards. It is not an "ex cathedra" Catholic church teaching. It deserves every Catholic's respectful reading and analysis like any other authoritative book or treatise  by any other world leader.
    Since it is the popes personal opinion it must stand on the merits of his facts and logical presentation When the pope states that the calamitous environmental destruction is caused mainly by man and will do irreparable harm to the earth--upon what facts and information is he basing this on.(I hope his scientific authorities are not cheap imitations of AL Gore or RI's Sen Sheldon Inhouse with European accents) For all his scientific authorities and consensuses you can get just as many and just as eminent scientific authorities with opposing views on this subject. The anthropological theory of man made environmental disasters is a theory just like the theory of evolution--it remains to be proven.
    His proposals for more centralized bureaucratic government (national and international) to control  his theoretical  man-made calamitous environmental disasters would themselves be disasters for man's freedom.
    As to the pope's plea for greater care by all of us of our environment --good. I am a big conservationist.
I think man wastes too much--water and all material things. There should be a greater free will equitable distribution of the worlds goods and resources. This should be a mission of the churches to promote this.
  I agree with the pope in his condemnation of multi-national corporations. Their power should be reduced. They are the enemy of the poor and the average citizen of every country. The policy of "free trade" has been detrimental to our country. They have only one aim--increase the bottom line at any cost. They have used their power to build up other countries while tearing down our country. They have recently used their  power to blackmail states and countries to promote and accept abortion and sodomy marriage.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


How can the Catholic Church be against sodomy and then the pope appoints a high level cleric in Germany
who approves of sodomy marriage. This doesn't  pass the smell test or the common sense test!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                      Bernard L  Lefoley

Could it be that there are still ephebophiliacs(homosexuals) in the clergy especially in the hierarchy???????

Maike Hickson

Pope Francis appoints new archbishop of Berlin who defends gay unions


BERLIN, June 9, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- On Monday, June 8, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Heiner Koch of Dresden-Meißen to be the new Archbishop of Berlin, a diocese that constitutes an important position within the Catholic Church in Germany. Bishop Koch had previously been selected as one of the three delegates of the German Bishops' Conference to participate in the upcoming October 2015 Synod of Bishops on the Family. Koch is President of the German Bishops' Conference's Commission for Marriage and the Family.
He had also been a participant at the recent May 25 private Rome conference at the Gregorian University that caused controversy over its heterodox contents and its intentional lack of transparency. As earlier reported, one of the other participants of this private Meeting, Professor Eberhard Schockenhoff, has just recently also publicly defended practicing homosexuals.
Bishop Koch is already known for his liberalizing tendencies and sympathies toward homosexual couples, as well as toward “remarried” divorcees. As the German Catholic newspaper, Die Tagespost, reported June 8, for example, Bishop Koch recently said the following: “Any bond that strengthens and holds people is in my eyes good; that applies also to same-sex relationships.”
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In February 2015, Koch made comments to the German newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung (Oldenburg) that reveal more deeply his own views.  He claimed that the Church needed a new language when dealing with homosexuals. “To present homosexuality as sin is wounding,” Koch said. And he continued: “I know homosexual pairs that live values such as reliability and responsibility in an exemplary way.”
Concerning “remarried” divorcees, Bishop Koch told the Nordwest-Zeitung: “The question is whether we can – under certain conditions – admit to the Eucharist divorced and remarried faithful who have a deep piety.” And he continued: “This could, for example, take place after a long conversation with the confessor.”
This appointment of Bishop Koch by Pope Francis comes shortly after Cardinal Walter Kasper – the main promoter of the liberalizing agenda at the last Synod of Bishops on the Family –  had somewhat stammeringly withdrawn his previously made explicit statements that Pope Francis had himself supported his reform proposal. In an interview with EWTN News Director Raymond Arroyo, host of the The World Over, on June 4 while visiting the United States, Cardinal Kasper said ambiguously and hesitatingly: “The Pope wanted that I put the question [forward], and, afterwards, in a general way, before all the cardinals, he expressed his satisfaction with my talk. But not the end, not in the .… I wouldn’t say he approved the proposal, no, no, no.”
For an insufficiently informed observer, such equivocation only adds to the confusion about the pope's actual intentions and encouragements – as well as about his procedural methods and approved episcopal appointments, such as Archbishop Heiner Koch now.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015




Republic of Ireland has become the first country in the world
to vote for
homosexual “marriage.” Once a beacon of hope for other
countries fighting a
rising tide of aggressive secularism, Ireland, through
this decision, has moved
into the vanguard of that very same secular
revolution and now counts itself as
one of a minority of European countries
that will allow two men or two women to

But the situation in Ireland may be worse than in other countries.
percent of voters in last Friday’s referendum agreed to insert
following amendment into Article 41 of the Irish Constitution:
may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without
as to their sex.” The institution of marriage has a rather exalted
in the Irish Constitution. Article 41 also declares, “The state
itself to guard with special care the institution of marriage, on which
family is founded, and to protect it against attack.” 

In essence,
therefore, the Irish state is bound by its constitution to guard
“marriage” from attack.

This follows the passage two months ago of the Child
and Family
Relationships Act that made it legal for homosexual couples to
adopt, thus
deliberately depriving the child in such a context of either a
mother or a
father. It also extended rights to donor-assisted human
reproduction to
homosexuals and single people. Homosexual adoption is deeply
around the world. Yet this piece of legislation passed through
the Dáil
(Parliament) without the need for a vote, and with only two votes
against it
in the Seanad (Senate).

This is worth repeating — there are 226
politicians in both houses of the
Irish Parliament. Only two politicians (Sens.
Rónán Mullen and Jim Walsh)
voted against this radical


U.S. Money

How did the radical homosexual agenda advance
so rapidly in Ireland?

The first place to look is not Ireland itself, but the
U.S.-based Atlantic
Philanthropies organization founded by Irish-American Chuck
Feeney. Atlantic
Philanthropies has provided funding to many good causes. But
large grants
have also been made to so-called “progressive” causes, especially
Ireland. This includes approximately $17 million donated to the main
who were part of the Yes Equality campaign group.

This money was
instrumental in getting homosexual “marriage” onto the
political agenda in the
first place. For example, between 2005 and 2011,
Atlantic donated $4.7 million
to the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN)
and subsequently boasted that
the grant enabled GLEN to build a
“full-time, highly professional lobbying
machine” to work “inside the
machinery of government” in Ireland, seeking to
“embed long-lasting
social change.” 

Atlantic Philanthropies money can be
found all over the Yes side of this
campaign. A variety of nongovernmental
organizations that have nothing to do
with homosexuality (including migrants’
rights groups and children’s
charities) added their support to the call for a
Yes vote. One thing that
linked these groups was the common denominator of
funding from Atlantic
Philanthropies. This single foundation has enabled the
creation of a
well-funded network of liberal activist NGOs that seem to have
considerable influence behind the scenes and within the political
and media outlets to win over the doubtful and pacify opposition,
Atlantic Philanthropies has phrased it.   


Opponents Had Limited

As for the campaign itself, the groups on the No side did the best
could with limited resources and personnel. The No campaign was led by
Iona Institute and by Mothers and Fathers Matter. The main theme of the
campaign was that, by changing Article 41 of the constitution,
government was attempting to redefine not just marriage but also the
itself — and that with the right to marry would come the right to
children. This could necessitate the provision of surrogacy services
homosexual male couples and would result in children being
denied the benefit of having a mother in their lives.

In the
end, it was impossible to overturn the large lead that the Yes
campaign had
built in the polls — less than six months ago, one poll
suggested that only 17%
would vote No. For five years, Irish citizens were
subjected to a highly
emotional propaganda campaign aimed at redefining
marriage. This long campaign
was built around personal stories from same-sex
couples and facilitated by an
entirely biased media.

Indeed, all of “Official Ireland” backed the Yes
campaign — every
political party and media outlet was supportive, and global
companies like Twitter and Google also interfered in the vote.
representing American multinational businesses also went as far
threatening that Ireland could lose investment and jobs if there wasn’t
Yes vote.

Each day of the campaign saw different celebrities appeal for
Yes votes, and
this was especially influential with younger voters, who turned
out in
record numbers to back the change due to a successful social-media
to get them to the polling stations. Most of these young people are
products of Ireland’s Catholic school system. Homosexual activist
have been speaking in Catholic schools for years under the laudable
of stamping out “homophobic bullying.” But the overwhelming support
redefining marriage among young people is surely due, in part, to
efforts of these campaigners to normalize homosexuality.


Yes Side’s
Intolerance and the Role of the Church

One notable feature of same-sex
“marriage” around the world is the
intolerance it brings in its wake. Dissent
from the new pro-same-sex
“marriage” consensus seems to be no longer
permissible. There are
numerous cases of bakers and florists and other
businesses that have been
prosecuted because they declined to facilitate
homosexual wedding

The same intolerance of dissenting views was
on full display in this
referendum. About half of the posters erected for the
No side were removed
or vandalized, often in broad daylight (warning: bad
language), and with the
perpetrators often boasting (warning: bad language) on
social media about
their criminal acts. This intolerance bodes ill for the
future. The Irish
government explicitly refused to provide legal opt-outs to
businesspeople with conscientious objections. Legal action against
those who
do not embrace the new prevailing orthodoxy seems all but

No analysis of the referendum would be complete without
considering the role
of the Church. It would be impossible to overestimate the
damage that the
child-abuse scandal and cover-up have done to the standing of
the Catholic
Church in Ireland. They have eroded much of the moral authority of
hierarchy, and as a result, the Irish bishops refused to tell Catholics
they should vote No in the referendum.

The main message of the
hierarchy was that marriage is important and that
voters should reflect before
they change it. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of
Dublin was quite emphatic that he
wouldn’t tell people how to vote. Given
the complex history of Church-state
relations in Ireland, this was not
necessarily a bad strategic position — Irish
people do not take well to
being “told how to vote” by bishops. Considerably
less helpful, however,
was Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry’s suggestion that
Catholics could vote
in favor of same-sex “marriage” in good


Is Legal Abortion Next?

So where to next for Ireland? The
progressive elite already have their next
target in sight — the repeal of the
eighth amendment to the Constitution,
which guarantees the right to life of the
unborn. While the effectiveness of
this amendment is compromised due to the
1992 Supreme Court decision in the
“X case,” it is still the only thing that
stands in the way of
European-style abortion on demand in Ireland. Groups like
the Pro Life
Campaign are now preparing for a fresh assault from the
movement on the right to life, even within the next 12

Irish Catholics stood alone to fight against homosexual “marriage”
the face of overwhelming U.S. funding for their opposition. Will the
happen when the next abortion referendum comes around?

Elizabeth Adams
writes from

Monday, June 1, 2015

Faith Crines in America

images (9)In a nation uniquely founded upon the Judeo/Christian ethic and “Freedom of Religion”, Americans have been witnessing committed Christians being persecuted in their own country. Over the last six-plus years, there have been rapidly expanding attempts to marginalize, demonize, and criminalize the free practice of the Christian faith in the US Armed Forces and in the United States in general. Why? Since the 1930s, the Christian religion has been viewed by the far left and Communists as the enemy that must be destroyed, and they are finally making progress toward their joint goal. It actually started in the early nineteenth century when the far left, atheists, and Communists declared “moral authority dead”, and worked diligently to sabotage the family unit (the nation’s founding principles were supported by millions of religious family units), eliminate traditional marriage, and demonize core Christian religious beliefs. In the 1960s, the far left gained the support of birth control advocates, the proponents of the sexual revolution, and the support of radical gay rights advocates to help them marginalize Christian religious teachings that were providing the faith upon which family values rested. Despite the aggressiveness of the far left to sabotage family values and religious faith during a five decade period, Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George WH Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H. Bush used the moral authority of the US Presidency to beat back the attempt to break up the family unit, eliminate traditional marriages, and denigrate Christian religious teachings.

Unfortunately, the current occupant of the Oval Office has taken an opposite approach. He has empowered the far left, atheists, and Communists to the extent that they have finally achieved their 80-year goal of destabilizing, marginalizing, demonizing, and legally attacking their greatest enemy, the free exercise of the Christian faith by Americans. The far left, atheists, and Communists have been supported in their sabotage of the family unit and Christian values by not only the Obama administration, but also by the activist homosexual movement, representing less than 2 % of the population.
Now that activist judges are increasingly overturning laws passed by super-majorities of voters, the legal definition of marriage is rapidly changing in a number of states, and the floodgates have been opened, allowing the demonization of core Christian religious beliefs. Christians who don’t believe in what the 2% gay population in the nation believe in, are called bigots by the left-of-center liberal media establishment and by radical gay rights activists. The attempt to fundamentally transform the American family, as well as Christian beliefs, has taken on new speed and new dimensions, with the strong but stealthy support of the occupant in the Oval Office.
Assaults on Christian religious beliefs have been met with weak-kneed responses by religious leaders in the Protestant, Episcopalian, and Catholic denominations, and by the majority of members of Congress who have remained silent for over six years while the assault on Christian beliefs has gained momentum.
Obama, by forcing the US military to become the first major military force in the world to become openly homosexual, has negatively affected the morale, unit cohesiveness, and the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces. In just one year, 11,000 straight male members of the US military have been sexually assaulted by openly gay men who are now being recruited to join the US Armed Forces.
Christians who, because of their core religious beliefs, do not believe in or support same sex marriage or abortion have been persecuted, demonized, and aggressively intimidated by radical gay activists who make repeated false claims of bigotry. Christian business owners, for simply refusing to support same sex marriages on religious grounds, have had radical gay rights activists attempt to criminalize them for their religious beliefs, and file destructive law suits against them. Of course, we haven’t seen these same radical gay rights activists have the courage to try to force Muslim business owners to support same sex marriages. Why? They realize there would be an explosion of open hostility in response.
The following article entitled “Faith Crimes” goes into more detail about how Christians practicing their sincerely held religious beliefs are being persecuted in Obama’s America.
[Listen to this interview with the foregoing article’s author on The Joe Miller Show]


FAITH CRIMES: How courageous Christians practicing their religion are being persecuted in Obama’s America

By WND. The rising persecution of Christians worldwide is, of course, one of today’s most heart-wrenching and consequential trends, with daily reports of Christian believers being murdered, tortured, kidnapped, raped or sold into slavery.
But there is another story of growing Christian persecution, which – if not as terrible in scale and severity – is even more inexplicable. That is the rapidly expanding marginalization, demonization and criminalization of the free practice of the Christian faith in the United States of America – a nation uniquely founded upon religious liberty. . .
While Christian persecution around the world is perpetrated primarily by Muslims and communists, in America the persecution is driven by a seemingly odd and improbable source: homosexuality, and the influential activist movement that has grown up around it.
Today, that movement has become the spear-tip with which the far left is finally achieving its longtime goal of attacking, intimidating – indeed, legally prohibiting – the free exercise of religion in America.
Legislation currently sweeping the country outlaws counseling help for minors who want to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions; decrees that boys and young men must be allowed to use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms if they claim to identify with the opposite sex (and vice versa); mandates pro-homosexual indoctrination of children as young as five; requires the integration of open homosexuals into the military; forces same-sex marriage on the nation; and, perhaps most disturbingly, criminalizes Christian businesspeople for simply opposing homosexuality or same-sex marriage on moral and religious grounds. Should the Supreme Court mandate homosexual marriage throughout the nation, say experts, the persecution will increase exponentially.
“Many thought same-sex marriage would be the crowning achievement of the gay rights juggernaut,” says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. “But then, suddenly, the focus shifted to ‘transgender rights,’ with Time magazine’s ‘Transgender Tipping Point’ issue announcing ‘America’s next civil rights frontier’ and Vice President Joe Biden declaring transgender discrimination ‘the civil rights issue of our time.'”
Adds Kupelian: “The secret of this never-ending, always-expanding revolutionary movement is that it has the full support of the far left. Not because the left particularly loves people who are homosexual, bisexual and transgender for themselves, but because finally the left has found its weapon, with which – as it has dreamed of doing for decades – it can effectively attack, marginalize, demonize and criminalize its greatest enemy: the Christian religion.” (Read more about Christian persecution in America HERE)
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