Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Media Research Center. America's Media Watchdog

In light of the recent Planned Parenthood undercover videos, where babies are shown to be born alive and then killed for profit, more attention and scrutiny have been given to the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger.
Margaret Sanger was arguably the largest advocate of eugenics in United States history, and her influence lives on in the 700 Planned Parenthood abortion clinics throughout the country -- 79 percent of which are located in predominantly black and Hispanic communities.
Please call (888) 317-2837 and ask them to remove this bust!
Eugenics (the notion and practice of removing “unfit” members of society through selective breeding and sterilization) was Sanger’s largest and most lasting crusade. Here are some of her controversial statements on the matter:
  • “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."
  • “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."
  • “I believe that there should be no more babies.”
As a result, a coalition of black pastors has petitioned the Smithsonian Institute to remove a prominent bust of Sanger from the Congressionally-funded National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C. The bust of Sanger appears as part of their “Struggle for Justice” exhibit along with baseball player Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King, Jr.
However, the National Portrait Gallery has refused to comply with this request and continues to memorialize someone who is highly controversial and extremely offensive.
That is why we need your help by calling the Smithsonian Institute directly and asking them to remove this bust!
Please call (888) 317-2837 and be sure to let them know that our taxpayer dollars should not be used to honor a woman who wanted to exterminate everyone that she deemed "unfit".
As always, we appreciate your support.
The MRC Action Team

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Most people didn't see the chilling article that appeared in The Nation, a major left-wing
magazine, the day before the U.S. Supreme Court "gay marriage" ruling came out. The article
outlines where the LGBT movement is going after "gay marriage." And it makes clear why Mass Resistance will be changing our focus to more overt activism.

Since that horrible ruling in June, a lot of pro-family people think the LGBT movement has
finally gotten what they've wanted, so is placated. and that we should now-focus on protecting
ourselves from the ruling's effects the best we can.
But in fact, the LGBT movement is never "satisfied." They have big plans for further attacks.
And we need to respond.
The Nation article, "What's Next for the LGBT Movement?", focuses on four high-profile
LGBT activists who reveal that "gay marriage" was never their final goal. The LGBT movement
will not be stopping to rest. Their plan is to delegitimize and crush all opposition to their agenda
everywhere in America - particularly in the churches -- no matter how small.
Some of the things the article outlined:-
-- "Dis-establish marriage." "Gay marriage" was simply a stepping stone. Their actual
goal is that there be no formal marriage rules at all. This means group marriages are next,
then incestuous marriages, and later even marriages to minors. It would simply be up to
the neople directly involved to decide.
-- Pass strong LGBT "non-discrimination" laws across the US. These are the laws that
force bakers to bake "gay marriage" cakes or face huge punishments. Such laws would
also force schools to include LGBT indoctrination. Most states still do not have the
onerous laws the LGBT movement demands. The activists refer to those states (mostly in
the South and Midwest) as "zones without rights" in their propaganda.
-- Ban all "religious liberty" laws. They consider religious liberty to be a dangerous ploy
to "undermine all civil rights laws" that must be stopped at all costs. All people must be
forced to follow the LGBT agenda, with no exceptions.
-- Demonize pro-family conservatives and silence all dissent. They plan to direct
"massive amounts of funds" to "expose and defeat the right wing" across America.
-- Push a radical political agenda. They plan to leverage their power to support Marxist
economic policies, the right to "early term abortion," and similar policies.
How should pro-family groups react to this threat? Most groups are simply hunkering down to
defend against the attacks on religious liberty.
But Mass Resistance has a different approach. Their whole program must be confronted or we
will be buried. Using what resources we have, we believe in taking the offensive. This means
challenging that movement everywhere we can. It means not holding back on telling the
unabashed truth. (For example, most conservatives are squeamish about talking about the welldocumented
medical and psychological destructiveness of homosexual behavior. We're not.)
Sometimes it means getting out in the
street. For example: recently, a major
hospital in Boston expelled a
prominent physician, Dr. Paul Church,
from their staff. His crime? Voicing
concerns to his colleagues about the
unhealthy nature of homosexual
behavior. He also talked about the moral
and Biblical issues involved. (We've
reported extensively about this on the
Mass Resistance website.) He's appealing
that action, but the hospital
administration is adamant about
terminating him.

Mass Resistance has not stood silent
about this. We have been helping
thousands of people across the country
call and email the hospital administration
demanding Dr. Church be brought back.
Just yesterday a team of Mass Resistance
activists protested outside the hospital,
and handed out leaflets to hundreds of
Taking to the streets. Mass Resistance activists
holding signs and leafleting outside of Dr. Church's
hospital in downtown Boston.
We are facing nothing less than the eventual criminalization of Christianity and conservative
values, We think it's vitally important that this be confronted at every turn. But all this takes
resources. We're willing and eager to do it. And your continued financial support will make it

Brian Camenker
Mass Resistance


(Life Site News Post by
Lisa Bourne and Maike Hickson)

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Conservative cardinals strike back in new books, defend the faith ahead of Synod

ROME, August 24, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- Church leaders are striking back against assaults on marriage and family in a slate of new books countering proposals seeking to circumvent Church teaching at the upcoming Vatican Synod in October.
Four titles coming out in Ignatius Press’ fall releases all refute challenges to Catholic principles in the hot-button areas of marriage and human sexuality, with special consideration for the upcoming Ordinary Synod on the Family.
Authored by prominent Church figures representing the Church’s orthodox leaders, they directly address the contentious issues expected to be the focus of the Synod. Two of the books gather roughly a half-dozen cardinals or bishops to write in defense of the Church.
Ignatius Press Founder and Editor Father Joseph Fessio, S.J. told LifeSiteNews those at the publishing house felt the topic was important, and they wanted to give a voice to those “who have something substantial to say, and who are both deeply rooted in the Church’s long tradition and aware of the challenges of contemporary culture.”
Last year’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family was fraught with controversy, with some liberal bishops attempting to thwart Church teaching in the areas of marriage and sexuality, most notably German Cardinal Walter Kasper’s proposal to allow Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics. Homosexual advocates have also made a concerted continual push for their agenda to be advanced at the Synod as well.
The attempts to sidestep Church principles were masked as “a more pastoral approach” to the moral questions of Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics and homosexuality.
“Nothing which conflicts with authoritative teaching can be pastoral,” Father Fessio told LifeSiteNews.
The four new books are not the first literary effort to defend the Church’s teaching at the Synod.
Five cardinals collaborated to write the book Remaining in the "Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church" to defend Church teaching on marriage and family ahead of the 2014 gathering, and sent the book to the bishops taking part. Reports surfaced later that the Synod lead organizer took steps to block the book’s distribution to the bishops.
Three bishops penned another book this past spring, "Preferential Option for the Family — 100 Questions and Answers Relating to the Synod", to clear up the Synod confusion on Church teaching.
One of the Synod’s most provocative moments last year was when Cardinal Kasper was recorded dismissing the voice of African Catholics in the area of Church teaching on homosexuality.
African cardinals “should not tell us too much what we have to do,” Cardinal Kasper stated in an interview with ZENIT news agency, adding that he didn’t think the other Synod participants were listening to the African bishops either.
Cardinal Kasper also said Africans were “very different” about homosexuals, and that, “You can’t speak about this with Africans and people of Muslim countries. It’s not possible. It’s a taboo. For us, we say we ought not to discriminate, we don’t want to discriminate in certain respects.”
While African bishops were not being listened to at the Synod, he said, their views are “of course” listened to in Africa, “where it’s taboo.”
Cardinal Kasper initially denied his statements but was forced to walk back his denial after the recording of the interview was released.
In the wake of the ideological and cultural divide at the Synod highlighted by the incident, one of Ignatius’s fall releases is "Christ’s New Homeland - Africa – A contribution to the Synod on the Family", by 10 African cardinals and bishops.
The contributors include Cardinals Robert Sarah, Francis Arinze, Christian Tumi, Théodore Sarr, and Archbishop Samuel Kleda.
Cardinal Sarah, prefect for the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments at the Vatican, was appointed in 2014 by Pope Francis. He has stated emphatically that any attempt to separate Catholic teaching from “pastoral practice” is a form of “heresy and a dangerous schizophrenic pathology.”
“The African Church will strongly oppose any rebellion against the teaching of Jesus and the Magisterium,” the Guinean cardinal has also said.
Cardinal Arinze provides the preface for the African cardinals’ book.
“The African prelates make a concise presentation of the attitude of Africans toward marriage and the family,” Cardinal Arinze wrote. “Africans see the family as a community of love between a man and a woman, with a loving opening to children. Marriage is the entry. It comes from the creating hands of God, and so no human being has the authority to try to re-invent it. A marriage in Africa establishes a link between the families of the man and the woman, with each side ready to help to make it a success. Appreciation of the complementarity of man and woman and of the divine origin of marriage and the family cuts across cultural, linguistic, and religious frontiers.”
“Marriage and the family are in crisis,” states the preview from another of the new books, "Eleven Cardinals Speak – On Marriage and the Family", an international collection of essays from 11 princes of the Church.
"Eleven Cardinals Speak" gives an introduction to the upcoming October Synod and discusses pertinent issues such as divorced and civilly remarried Catholics and the demands of authentic pastoral care.
Contributors are Cardinals Sarah, Carlo Caffarra, Baselios Cleemis, Paul Josef Cordes, Dominik Duka, Joachim Meisner, Camillo Ruini, Antonio María Rouco Varela, Willem Jacobus Eijk, John Onaiyekan, and Jorge L. Urosa Savino.
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Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, the archbishop of Bologna, has said there can be no contradiction between what Church teaching on marriage and actual practice.
German Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes has publicly opposed the words and direction of the German Bishops' Conference in moving to separate itself from Rome.
Cardinal Sarah has his own book in the crop of four from Ignatius, the autobiographical interview "God or Nothing – A Conversation on Faith" with Nicolas Diat.
In it, Cardinal Sarah states, “The idea of putting Magisterial teaching in a beautiful display case while separating it from pastoral practice, which then could evolve along with circumstances, fashions and passions, is a sort of heresy, a dangerous schizophrenic pathology. I therefore solemnly state that the Church in Africa is staunchly opposed to any rebellion against the teaching of Jesus and of the Magisterium.”
Also coming from the publishing house this fall is "Living the Truth in Love – Pastoral Approaches to Same Sex Attraction".
Edited by Professor Janet Smith and Father Paul Check, the book is in answer to questions posed in the Lineamenta, or guideline document, for the Synod and looks at ways to provide pastoral help to those with same-sex attraction in the light of the Gospel.
Father Fessio told LifeSiteNews the four new books will all be available well before the Synod to participants and any other interested parties, and they are an effort to ensure the Synod serves to uphold the Church’s sacramental mission of sanctifying and saving souls.
“What contradicts God’s Commandments is harmful to those who transgress, to others around them, and to society. It can also endanger one’s eternal destiny,” Father Fessio said. “The most compassionate and loving thing the Church can do is to speak clearly and pray for open hearts to receive the message of Jesus.”

Monday, August 24, 2015


Lisa Bourne

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Obama admin to Congress: It’s perfectly legal for Planned Parenthood to harvest babies’ organs

August 18, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- President Obama's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) told Congress late last week that Planned Parenthood has been following the law in its practice of attaining fetal tissue and body parts for sale.
HHS also insisted it does not fund fetal tissue research or elective abortion through Planned Parenthood. Rather, it gives the nation's largest abortion provider money for its "critical health services."
In a letter sent late Friday and addressed to Sens. Joni Ernst and Roy Blunt, HHS's assistant secretary for legislation contended that HHS "knows of no violations" of U.S. fetal tissue laws on the part of government researchers or the companies that supply the tissue, and said also that HHS takes the word of non-profits supplying it fetal tissue for research that they are operating in line with all aspects of the law.
"Currently, we know of no violation of these laws in connection with the research done at our agencies," stated Jim Esquea in the letter. "Furthermore … we have confirmed that HHS researchers working with fetal tissue obtained the tissue from non-profit organizations that provided assurances to us that they are in compliance with all applicable legal requirements."
Click "like" if you are PRO-LIFE!
Sen. Ernst's office provided a copy of the letter to LifeSiteNews. While the senator is away on military duty, a spokesperson for her provided the following response:
Senator Ernst is still reviewing the letter and there are several state and congressional investigations into Planned Parenthood's selling of baby body parts. As she has stated, Senator Ernst does not believe that taxpayers should be forced to foot the bill for roughly a half a billion dollars annually for an organization exhibiting such disrespect for human life.
In its letter, HHS also said fetal tissue research has been significant in efforts to cure disease and plays a vital part in vaccine development.
"The use of fetal tissue in medical research has been an instrumental component of our attempts to understand, treat, and cure a number of conditions and diseases that affect millions of Americans," the letter stated. "In addition, research using cell lines derived from fetal tissue has also played an essential role in the field of vaccine development."
This is disputed by Debi Vinnedge, executive director for Children of God for Life, which advocates for ethical vaccines.
"Fetal tissue research has not produced great advances in medicines," Vinnedge told LifeSiteNews. "In fact, there is not one single use of aborted fetal tissue or cells that has not been accomplished using moral sources as well." 
Federal research on fetal tissue has gotten more attention in the month since the first in a series of undercover videos was released showing various high-ranking Planned Parenthood executives negotiating the sale of fetal body parts and tissue from children aborted at its facilities.
The videos raise the possibility of Planned Parenthood profiting from the sale of fetal remains, and also show the abortion giant planning specific abortion procedures to best allow for procurement of intact body parts, both in violation of federal law.
Also exposed by the videos was Planned Parenthood's willful use of partial-birth abortion to harvest fetal body parts and its stealing aborted baby body parts without the consent of the babies' mothers, both also against federal law.
Ernst and Blunt were the top two signatories in a July 22 letter from 50 U.S. senators to HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell questioning Planned Parenthood's practices and whether they are in compliance with federal laws pertaining to the use of fetal tissue and partial-birth abortion.
Taxpayers have funded two federal agencies that purchase aborted children's remains over the last seven years with more than $300,000.  The National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration both take part in research using fetal tissue.
Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), identified in the Planned Parenthood videos as a fetal tissue supplier, has received $257,000 from the NIH and roughly $73,000 from the FDA since 2009.
The letter told Congress that it had assurances from fetal tissue providers to the NIH and FDA that their tissue procurement was in accordance with the law.
HHS concluded with the qualification of the funding that it does provide to the nation's largest abortion chain, and listing its self-styled services.
"While HHS provides funding to Planned Parenthood federation of America through competitively-awarded grants and contracts, the funding does not support research involving fetal tissue," it said. "Instead the funds are used to provide critical health services, including annual wellness exams, cancer screenings, contraception, and to further the study of sexually transmitted diseases."
Planned Parenthood claims that abortion makes up only 3% of its services, when statistics bear out that the number of abortions it performs far outweigh its other activities. Planned Parenthood and its advocates also continually claim that the abortion behemoth needs federal funding to provide mammograms, when it does not provide them, instead referring women to other organizations that do.

Monday, August 17, 2015


0815151715-00.jpg         0815151715-00.jpg                                   
This is my new sign (the Nazi thugs stole two previous signs). You notice that there is a chair near the sign
That is because in our lawless society today we are the first responders. I am going to guard my property
with enough force to deter the Nazi thugs.
   It doesn't surprise me that the Nazi thugs stole my signs. They hate the truth and love holocausts. The 
killing of innocent babies in the womb in the USA is a NATIONAL HOLOCAUST !!!!! Since 
Roe v Wade decision by our US Supreme Court judges(who are our modern gods on Mt Olympus.)
millions of of innocent babies in the womb have been slaughtered by any kind of heinous means devised by 
adult human beings for any ridiculous reasons they can come up with..
  The decision RvW was based on the premise that the judges did not know when human life begins--if
you can believe that!!!!! RvW will end up on the ash heap of history like Dred Scott, etc.etc. 
Science and history will overturn RvW.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


BREAKING: Court denies StemExpress request to access, block aborted baby part videos

John Jalsevac John Jalsevac Follow John
August 13, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - A judge with the Superior Court of the State of California issued a ruling this afternoon denying a request by StemExpress to access videos and documentation obtained by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) during its investigation into Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies.
Judge Joanne O’Donnell argued that the requested injunction, which would have prevented CMP from releasing some of their undercover footage featuring high level StemExpress employees, would violate CMP's First Amendment rights.
The ruling comes two weeks after O'Donnell issued a narrow temporary restraining order preventing CMP from releasing further undercover video footage taken at a meeting with the three top-level staff at a restaurant in May.
StemExpress plays a central part in the scandal exposed by many of the six "sting" videos released by CMP in recent weeks. Those videos depict Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the prices of aborted baby parts, or sorting through the body parts of aborted babies in a lab - body parts which are then acquired by StemExpress.
The biomedical firm, which advertises that it “fiscally rewards clinics” who provide it with baby parts for research, had also tried to block the release of several documents posted on the CMP website, including a price list for baby parts. That request was previously denied by Judge O'Donnell.
Pro-life leaders welcomed today's decision.
"The Court has rightly stopped Stem Express from using a meritless lawsuit to try to silence the Center for Medical Progress," said Casey Mattox, Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom. "Americans have a right to know the truth about Planned Parenthood and its business deals with Stem Express. This decision brings us one step closer to the day Stem Express and Planned Parenthood have been dreading.”
“As has been more than apparent from the videos that have been released, StemExpress and Planned Parenthood have plenty to hide," said Life Legal Defense Foundation Vice President of Legal Affairs Catherine Short. "These videos not only expose the potential illegality of Planned Parenthood’s actions, they expose the grisly, inhuman nature of Planned Parenthood’s business."
In the ruling Judge O’Donnell tossed the injunction request, saying that StemExpress was highly unlikely to prevail in its efforts.
“Plaintiff does not persuade the Court that the discovery it seeks is necessary to obtain the preliminary injunction. That is because it appears unlikely that the Court is going to grant the preliminary injunction,” Judge O’Donnell said in her Thursday order.
“The injunction Plaintiff seeks would prevent Defendants from disseminating the videotapes,” the judge added, explaining, "this proposed injunction would constitute a prior restraint on the Defendants’ rights under the First Amendment and the parallel protections under the California Constitution.”


August 10, 2015

Here's a simple exercise in basic reasoning. On a spectrum of bad things to do, theft is bad, assault is worse and murder is worst. There's a similar texture of ill will connecting all three crimes, but only a very confused conscience would equate thieving and homicide. Both are serious matters. But there is no equivalence. The deliberate killing of innocent life is a uniquely wicked act. No amount of contextualizing or deflecting our attention to other issues can obscure that.

This is precisely why Cardinal John O'Connor, Bishop James McHugh and others pressed so hard for the passage of the U.S. bishops' 1998 pastoral letter, Living the Gospel of Life. As Cardinal Joseph Bernardin once wisely noted, Catholic social teaching is a seamless garment of respect for human life, from conception to natural death. It makes no sense to champion the cause of unborn children if we ignore their basic needs once they're born. Thus it's no surprise that - year in and year out - nearly all Catholic dioceses in the United States, including Philadelphia, devote far more time, personnel and material resources to providing social services to the poor and education to young people than to opposing abortion.

But of course, children need to survive the womb before they can have needs like food, shelter, immigration counseling and good health care. Humanity's priority right - the one that undergirds all other rights - is the right to life. As the American bishops wrote in 1998:

"Opposition to abortion and euthanasia does not excuse indifference to those who suffer from poverty, violence and injustice. Any politics of human life must work to resist the violence of war and the scandal of capital punishment. Any politics of human dignity must seriously address issues of racism, poverty, hunger, employment, education, housing, and health care . . . But being 'right' in such matters can never excuse a wrong choice regarding direct attacks on innocent human life. Indeed, the failure to protect and defend life in its most vulnerable stages renders suspect any claims to the 'rightness' of positions in other matters affecting the poorest and least powerful of the human community. If we understand the human person as the 'temple of the Holy Spirit' -- the living house of God -- then these latter issues fall logically into place as the crossbeams and walls of that house. All direct attacks on innocent human life, such as abortion and euthanasia, strike at the house's foundation. These directly and immediately violate the human person's most fundamental right -- the right to life. Neglect of these issues is the equivalent of building our house on sand. Such attacks cannot help but lull the social conscience in ways ultimately destructive of other human rights" (22).

A case is sometimes made that abortion is mainly a cultural and moral issue, and politics is a poor solution to the problem. The curious thing is that some of the same voices that argue against political action on the abortion issue seem quite comfortable urging vigorous political engagement on issues like health care, homelessness and the environment. In practice, politics is the application of moral conviction to public discourse and the process of lawmaking. Law not only constrains and defends; it also teaches and forms. Law not only reflects culture; it shapes and reshapes it. That's why Christians can't avoid political engagement. Politics is never the main content of Christian faith. It can never provide perfect solutions. But no Christian can avoid the duty to work for more justice and charity in our life as a nation, a task that inescapably involves politics. Thus the recent Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood was not only right and timely, but necessary. And the failure of that measure involves a public failure of character by every Catholic senator who voted against it.

Memory is important: Two years ago Kermit Gosnell was stripped of his medical license and convicted of murdering three infants born alive from abortion procedures. He operated a Philadelphia abortion center that more closely resembled a butcher shop than a medical clinic. His clinic environment was uglier than the pleasant restaurants and offices captured on recent Center for Medical Progress (CMP) undercover videos. Those videos show a face of Planned Parenthood - senior staffers chatting blithely about the dismemberment and sale of fetal body parts - that can only be called repugnant. But it's not surprising: If aborted children are simply lumps of potentially useful (and profitable) tissue, what's the problem?

Again, memory is important: Thirty years ago "pro-choice" groups tried a strategy of using the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act to shut down certain forms of prolife witness. The strategy ultimately failed but - maybe it's God's sense of irony -- the word "racket" very quickly comes to mind in watching Planned Parenthood staff on the CMP videos.

I'll close with a word of thanks to Ruben Navarette, Jr. Navarette is a veteran "pro-choice" voice, but his August 10 column at the Daily Beast is worth reading and sharing for its honest revulsion at the whole, ugly, system-wide barbarism of Planned Parenthood's fetal trafficking. And his column's best lines come in quoting his prolife wife:

"Those are babies that are being killed. Millions of them. And you need to use your voice to protect them. That's what a man does. He protects children - his own children, and other children. That's what it means to be a man."


Wednesday, August 12, 2015




Monday, August 10, 2015


   In the story about the Chopmist Hill counter espionage station (Prov.Sun.Journal 7/9/15-pgA9) the following was written:
                    In 1981,George Sterling,who worked tor the FCC in a number of roles during the war
                    before being appointed its commissioner in 1948,told a Providence Journal reporter
                    that he never understood why the United States was caught by surprise in the
                    Dec. 7,1941
                    attack on Pearl Harbor since the Chopmist Hill listening station had for months been
                    intercepting Japanese messages in the Pacific indicating an impending attack.

   If this is true then our government knew the Japanese were going to attack us and our government
deliberately lied to the American people and are responsible for the unnecessary carnage of Pearl Harbor.
(There was a similar unit that decrypted the Soviet espionage messages being sent back to Russia by the Red
spies in this country known as the 'Venona Project'.by US Army intelligence.This was so secret that even
Pres.Truman was not aware of it. Some of the Red spies who sent messages were never uncovered.)

In the same issue there is an oped piece by Ed Calouro(We were right to use A-bomb) .If the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had no direct military targets in them then we were morally wrong to bomb innocent civilians in the cities.We bombed civilian cities in Europe and that was wrong.
Had we decided to invade Japan and we were opposed by a massive Japanese army then we would have been morally right to use the A-bomb to destroy that army because that would have been a direct military

Thursday, August 6, 2015


(Our two ding dong senators from R.I. voted to continue funding of this satanic holocaust of babies in the womb.Sen.Reed and Sen.Sheldon Inhouse voted to continue this nauseating, unbelievable,shameful,national 
holocaust of defenseless baby human beings in the womb.Had it passed,communist Obama would have vetoed it!!!!!
It goes back to Roe v Wade,where five judges of our highest court did not know ,or said they did not know,when human life begins. Biology 101 explains it well--it's when the  male sperm fertilizes the female egg and the new baby human being has its own unique, personal DNA. It's simple science stupid,you asinine judges and politicians!!!!!!!!! Why should God bless America when this Nazi crap is condoned and financed by the American people??????????
                                                                                                                   Bernard L Lefoley)
video shows dissection of 20-week baby for body parts at Planned Parenthood Read More

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson Follow Ben


BREAKING: Senate fails to pass bill to defund Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 3, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Although a majority of Senators voted yes, a minority of Democrats – joined by one Republican – managed to block an effort to defund Planned Parenthood this evening.
The final, 53-46 vote on the bill from Iowa Republican Joni Ernst fell largely along party lines.
Because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell restored the use of the filibuster, stand-alone bills such as this one must have at least 60 votes to pass cloture.
Had the bill passed, President Obama promised through spokesman Josh Earnest to veto the bill. Overriding a veto requires 66 votes, a threshold no Hill watcher could envision.
Since the Senate will break for summer recess at the end of the week, some in the pro-life community are calling for immediate action.
“Now that we have everyone on record, the Senate GOP must attach this bill to a must-pass piece of legislation and get this bill to the president’s desk,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America (SFLA).
Other pro-life advocates, while disappointed by the outcome, say that the vote shows the growing strength of their movement. “When the Senate last voted to defund Planned Parenthood” in 2011, “only 42 voted for it,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the Susan B. Anthony List, said following the vote.
Ultimately, one Republican – Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois – voted to maintain funding for the abortion provider, despite a string of shocking and progressively more disturbing videos revealing Planned Parenthood's role in harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies.
Meanwhile, two pro-life Democrats – Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Joe Donnelly of Indiana – gave the legislation a bipartisan coalition. Donnelly's vote was a closely held secret until it was cast, and came after aggressive lobbying by Indiana Right to Life. “Hoosiers have long been concerned about their tax dollars going to an organization that dismembers hundreds of thousands of American children each year,” said the group's president and CEO, Mike Fichter. “We extend our thanks to both of our senators, and especially to Sen. Coats who was an original cosponsor on this legislation.”
Another senator who prominently campaigned as a pro-life Democrat, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania – the son of the former pro-life Governor Robert P. Casey – voted no.
Several Republicans who had not publicly stated their position before the roll call ultimately voted against continuing to fund Planned Parenthood, including Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards cast the vote as the latest partisan assault in the war on women. “This is all about politics,” she told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell today. “I think it's really important to understand that all of this is about denying women access to health care in this country and the vote tonight will actually be about denying women access to birth control, cancer screenings, testing and treatment for many women where Planned Parenthood is their only doctor.”
But members of both parties have said that federal funding of women's health care should be redirected from the nation's largest abortion provider to community health centers, which outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities 13-to-one. “Supporters of Planned Parenthood have expressed concern that women will not have access to medical care. We share that concern which is why we are calling on Congress to reallocate the funding to Community Health Centers,” said Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America (DFLA). “There are 9,000 Community Health Center sites located in almost every single Congressional District. They vastly outnumber the 700 Planned Parenthood facilities and provide fuller services for families. We want to ensure that women still have access to the services and support they need.”
Sen. Manchin echoed this in a statement released shortly before today's vote. “I do not believe that taxpayer money should be used to fund” Planned Parenthood, he said. “Instead those funds should be sent to other health care providers, including community health centers, which provide important women’s healthcare services. While my vote is one that will prevent taxpayers dollars from going to Planned Parenthood, I will remain committed to ensuring that all women in West Virginia and America receive the health care services they need.”
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Center, agreed that “ending taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood will free up over half-a-billion dollars a year to go to a myriad of health-care service providers that provide a broader range of health services than Planned Parenthood ever has.”
"While Americans are divided over abortion, we see common ground quickly forming to ensure Americans aren't forced to send their tax dollars to an abortion giant that sifts through aborted babies' parts to see which organs can be salvaged and sold,“ Perkins added. “Trafficking baby body parts is only the latest scandal for an organization that also faces allegations of covering up sex trafficking, engaging in sex selection abortion, and even violating the law criminalizing partial-birth abortion.”
Planned Parenthood receives in excess of half-a-billion dollars each year, more than 40 percent of its operating budget, from taxpayer revenues at the federal, state, and local level.
The Senate is unlikely to take additional action in the waning days of this session. Some instead are already focusing on next autumn's presidential election.
“With Hillary Clinton and other national Democratic leaders doubling down on their support for unlimited abortion on-demand, up until the moment of birth, paid for by taxpayers, voters and pundits should expect to see the abortion issue play a major role in the upcoming general election,” Dannenfelser said. She added that the pro-life movement “will work hard to ensure voters do not forget who fails to stand for the most innocent among us.”
Dannenfelser added that the remaining eight to 10 videos that the Center for Medical Progress says it is poised to release over the coming weeks will go a long way toward changing public opinion against the abortion industry. “As more videos are made public, outrage will surely grow

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


 (This is America's Holocaust and YOU are supporting this with YOUR TAX MONEY!!!!
And make our four nincompoops in the US CONGRESS  stop this IGNOMINIOUS DISGUSTING  HOLOCAUST here in the USA.  BLLefoley.)

This one shot from the latest PP sting video might be the most disturbing thing you see all year

I’m about to show you something that, if you're alive and have a heartbeat, will deeply disturb you, and then make you hopping mad.
I warn you, it’s graphic. But everybody needs to see this. Because this is the truth. And even if the truth is difficult, and gruesome, and challenging, it must be known.
This morning the Center for Medical Progress released the latest in their series of undercover sting videos exposing the fact that Planned Parenthood is harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies.
The first part is plenty disturbing, as director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, discusses how she “diversifies” Planned Parenthood's “revenue stream” by selling aborted baby parts, and how their abortionists can modify the abortion procedure (Note: totally illegal) to obtain “intact” fetuses.
But then the camera moves into the lab, where workers are actually involved in dissecting and dismembering aborted babies to get the useful body parts.
Describing their “last case” of the day, one of the workers tells an actor posing as someone interested in purchasing fetal body parts, that “it was a twin” at about 20 weeks gestation.
The camera then pans over to a dish, filled with what Planned Parenthood describes as “tissue.” One of the workers uses tweezers to pick up the intestines, and boasts about how sometimes “the organs come out really, really well.”
And that’s when I saw it. A little, beautiful, perfectly formed hand, gently clenched in a fist – a hand attached to an arm that had been torn from its owner's body, and thrown in a dish swimming with body parts.
...And then I saw the foot. And the other foot.

I wish I could say I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. But I could, because I know what Planned Parenthood does. But there’s a difference between believing, and seeing.

And that’s why these photos must be shared as far and wide as possible.
After that, it gets even worse, as the man behind the camera uses his tweezers to pick up and inspect an arm and hand...and then the leg...and then another leg.
Yes, it is horrifying that Planned Parenthood is apparently lying about the fact that it makes a tidy profit off trafficking in the body parts of aborted babies.
But the worst thing of all is that Planned Parenthood has body parts to sell in the first place. That Planned Parenthood is daily, constantly, aborting babies that have hands, and feet, and hearts, and lungs.
The worst part is that every time Planned Parenthood sells a body part, it is because they have killed a baby, a human being like you and me – a human being that had the right to live, and love, and be, a baby whose life was summarily snuffed out, and turned into a “revenue stream.”
The worst part is that year after year, decade after decade, we let Planned Parenthood get away with the canard that they are only aborting "blobs of tissue," or "products of pregnancy" - as if we don't all know perfectly well what the product of a pregnancy is: a baby.
I say, enough is enough. Shut Planned Parenthood down, now!
Follow John Jalsevac on Facebook

Monday, August 3, 2015


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Gay Boy Scout leaders march in the gay pride parade in New York on June 28, 2015 Shutterstock
Drew Belsky

It’s official: Boy Scouts formalizes policy allowing openly gay leaders

IRVING, Texas, July 30, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – The Boy Scouts of America took the final step Monday in lifting its ban on Scout leaders who openly profess homosexuality – but many gay activists decried the change for not going far enough.
The BSA executive committee passed a resolution to lift the ban two weeks ago.  On Monday, July 27, the National Executive Board ratified the decision, with 79% of the board's 80 members agreeing.
The shift in policy incurred lukewarm approval from homosexual activists, with many expressing disapproval of the policy’s religious exemption clause. Gary Signorile, the editor-at-large for the Huffington Post's "Gay Voices" site, blasted the BSA's provision allowing individual chapters to cleave to their consciences on the matter of same-sex-attracted Scout leaders.
"By allowing the religious-affiliated troops to still ban gay adults," Signorile wrote, "the BSA is making a religious exemption seem like a reasonable compromise when in fact it is allowing the very people who would discriminate to keep discriminating."
Signorile echoed the sentiments of liberal groups who hope to curtail the freedom of religious expression for Catholics, Mormons, and others in the United States who define marriage as between one man and one woman.
The American Civil Liberties Union, for example, declared recently that it would no longer defend Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs) federally or among the states.  ACLU deputy legal director Louise Melling wrote in June, "The RFRA wasn’t meant to force employees to pay a price for their employer’s faith, or to allow businesses to refuse to serve gay and transgender people, or to sanction government-funded discrimination."
Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, complained that "including an exemption for troops sponsored by religious organizations undermines and diminishes the historic nature of today's decision.  Discrimination should have no place in the Boy Scouts, period."
Scouts for Equality, a homosexual activist group formed in 2012, called the decision the "beginning of a new chapter," an example of "going forward, not back."  A press release from the group piled on against people who oppose homosexuality on religious grounds: "In effect, Boy Scout units sponsored by churches will have the right to continue discriminating against gay adults on a troop-by-troop basis."
The BSA voted in 2013 to end its ban on youth members acting on their same-sex attractions, shortly after a committee within the organization unanimously found that the ban was "absolutely the best policy."  In 2014, BSA president Robert Gates, who served as secretary of defense under President Obama until 2011, declared that he would have allowed openly homosexual Scout leaders as well at that time.
These decisions have come in the wake of intense corporate and political pressure, including from Disney and President Barack Obama.
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting offered a guarded response to the July 27 resolution, noting, "it appears that the resolution respects the needs of Catholic-chartered organizations in the right to choose leaders whose character and conduct are consistent with those of Catholic teaching."
However, "we express strong concern about the practical implications of this resolution, especially for our young people in Scouting, and whether the term 'sexual orientation' will be correctly understood and applied only in reference to sexual inclination and not to sexual conduct or behavior."
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), which sponsored 17 percent of Scouting youths as of 2013, has announced that it may cut ties with the BSA. "The Church has always welcomed all boys to its Scouting units regardless of sexual orientation," an official statement reads. "However, the admission of openly gay leaders is inconsistent with the doctrines of the Church and what have traditionally been the values of the Boy Scouts of America."
In 2012, Portland, Oregon attorney Kelly Clark publicly released thousands of pages of BSA documents detailing over a thousand molestation cases within the organization.  The sexual assault records cover the time period from 1965 to 1985 and were used in a lawsuit Clark successfully filed against the BSA.
Sex scandals plagued the organization in the 1990s as well, leading to BSA policies mandating that two adults always be present with Scouts and forbidding leaders to touch Scouts.
In a statement, BSA president Gates justified the decision on monetary grounds.  "Any effort" to maintain the ban, which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld in 2000, "was inevitably going to result in simultaneous legal battles in multiple jurisdictions and at staggering cost."
"For far too long this issue has divided and distracted us," Gates concluded. "Now it's time to unite behind our shared belief in the extraordinary power of Scouting to be a force for good in a community and in the lives of its youth members."

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‘It’s another boy!’: 4th video goes into heart of Planned Parenthood fetal body parts lab

Urgent: Sign the petition demanding that Congress investigate and defund Planned Parenthood here
July 30, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Workers in a lab are seen sorting through body parts on a dish: a heart, stomach, kidney, and legs.
And then a medical assistant suddenly announces: "It's another boy!"
This is just a little of the macabre and heart-wrenching footage in the newest undercover video showing alleged harvesting and sale of body parts from aborted babies by Planned Parenthood, released Thursday morning.
The newest video also shows a Planned Parenthood medical director negotiating a fetal body parts deal while agreeing to prices for harvested parts, and suggesting ways to avoid legal consequences.
"For anyone with a conscience, the video's entire fetal organ scene is wrenching -- to the gut as well as the heart. It hearkens us back to the days of Joseph Mengele or Kermit Gosnell, who both coldly killed and dissected children without remorse," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, in a press release.
The video takes the viewer into Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, where Vice President and Medical Director Dr. Savita Ginde discusses with actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.
When one of the actors posing as a buyer asks the doctor if “compensation could be specific to the specimen?” Ginde agrees. As the camera travels to the abortion clinic’s pathological laboratory to reveal the aftermath of a real abortion of a baby boy, Ginde tells the buyer that the abortion clinic would rather receive payment per body part harvested, rather than a standard flat fee for the entire case.
“I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it,” she is heard saying on the video.
Planned Parenthood hit national headlines last month after undercover videos released by the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress (CMP) showed top officials from the nation’s largest abortion provider discussing the sale of body parts harvested from babies aborted at their facilities. Those behind the undercover videos say that selling the body parts for profit is a violation of federal law.
Yesterday, the California Superior Court issued a narrow temporary restraining order preventing CMP from releasing further undercover video footage involving top-level staff of StemExpress, the company that purchases the body parts from Planned Parenthood.
Project Lead David Daleiden is using the fourth video to call for an immediate ending to Planned Parenthood’s funding.
“Elected officials need to listen to the public outcry for an immediate moratorium on Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding while the 10 state investigations and 3 Congressional committees determine the full extent of Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby parts.”
“Planned Parenthood’s recent call for the NIH to convene an expert panel to ‘study’ fetal experimentation is absurd after suggestions from Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Ginde that ‘research’ can be used as a catch-all to cover-up baby parts sales. The biggest problem is bad actors like Planned Parenthood who hold themselves above the law in order to harvest and make money off of aborted fetal brains, hearts, and livers,” he said.
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"It really stretches credibility to say that Bush or his people wouldn’t have known that the foundation pushes abortion and other population control efforts," said Stephen Phelan of HLI Andrew Cline /
Ben Johnson Ben Johnson Follow Ben

Jeb Bush was director of philanthropy that gave tens of millions to Planned Parenthood

NEW YORK, July 30, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - Until the eve of his presidential campaign, Jeb Bush was director of a philanthropy that gave tens of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood and financed its advocacy of "unrestricted access to abortion" around the world. The charity also approved money to global abortion providers while he sat on its board.
In 2010, Jeb was named one of the founding directors of the Bloomberg Family Foundation, established as a tax-exempt foundation to advance the vision of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He resigned from the board at the end of 2014 to prepare his presidential campaign.
While a Bush spokesman has responded to concerns by saying that Bush would not have voted on every initiative of the foundation, a pro-life leader told LifeSiteNews it "stretches credibility" that Bush was unaware of the foundation's pro-abortion work, given the centrality of such work to the foundation's mission, and its scope.
LifeSiteNews reached out to Bush for comment, but did not hear back by press time.
$50 million to 'reproductive health' and Planned Parenthood
In March of 2014, the Bloomberg Philanthropies announced a $50 million undertaking to expand "reproductive health," including lobbying foreign nations to loosen restrictions on abortion.
Bloomberg announced a major partnership with Planned Parenthood-Global to train and equip abortion activists in pro-life countries.
"In 2014, we started supporting local nonprofit organizations in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Uganda, and Nicaragua to advocate for better policies in their countries that will expand access to comprehensive reproductive health services," the foundation stated. "These organizations will receive technical assistance from Planned Parenthood Federation of America – Global Division to help augment their capacity for effective advocacy."
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards greeted the news by saying that "governments need to play a stronger role to ensure that all women have access to the health care they need" - including abortion - "no matter who they are, no matter where they live.”
Bloomberg clarified how the partnership would work while receiving Planned Parenthood's Global Citizen Award at its annual gala last March 27.
"We'll Push for Less Restrictive Abortion Laws"
"I am happy to say our major partner in this project will be Planned Parenthood - Global," Bloomberg said. "In some countries, our funding will help advocates work towards better sexual health policies for teens and better access to contraceptives. In others, we'll help push for less restrictive abortion laws and more government funding for high-quality, accessible services."
Such advocacy was "necessary," he continued, because "there are plenty of outside interest groups funding the other side of these issues, and we cannot let them go unanswered."
"This is a fight to women control their own destinies," Bloomberg said. "And let me tell you: We are in it to help them win it, and we're gonna stay in it until they do."
"Together we can succeed," he concluded. "Thank you for this award. God bless."
As head of a foundation with $5.4 billion in assets, which awards more than $200 million a year, the three-term mayor of New York has put his money where his mouth is.
Funding Global Abortion Providers
One aspect of his philanthropy's overall health initiative is to underwrite  "reproductive health services in the most remote areas of" Tanzania. Although all grants say they are intended "to reduce maternal deaths," alongside the CDC and the World Lung Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies has funded two abortion providers.
In 2013, Bloomberg Philanthropies approved a  a grant of $1,818,000 for EngenderHealth, and another $250,000 for Marie Stopes International - Tanzania.
"EngenderHealth works to ensure reproductive rights of Tanzanian women and their families by integrating family planning with HIV and comprehensive abortion care services," the group states on its website. EngenderHealth has been discovered promoting the use of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), a common abortion method, as "post-abortion care" in Africa, including in Tanzania.
The group also touts the fact that its expansion to all 26 regions of the country "has also contributed to an increase in uptake of long-acting and reversible methods," especially Implanon. Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) work both by preventing conception and by "alterations in the endometrium," which can cause an early abortion by preventing implantation.
Marie Stopes is known as a global abortion provider. MSI states that it only provides "post-abortion care" in Tanzania, where abortion is legal only to save the life of the mother.
But Marie Stopes officials have admitted that the group performs illegal abortions.
"We do illegal abortions all over the world," Paul Cornellison, the director of Marie Stopes International in South Africa, said during a Marie Stopes International conference in 2007 in London - remarks that were caught on film. "There's various options, you know, once we open a center there...if we can just get our foot in the door."
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In other nations, Bloomberg has supported advocates of unlimited, universal abortion-on-demand.
"Abortion services should be made free...for all women and girls"
Bloomberg Philanthropies underwrites political advocacy in African and Central American nations whose laws reflect the pro-life outlook of its citizens. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) offers a glimpse into what international abortion lobbyists demand.
Between 2012 and 2014, IPPF wrote a 32-page case study on the Senegalese legal landscape, entitled Over-Protected and Under-Served. While numerous participants told researchers that abortion is "easy" to obtain and “lots of young people are having clandestine abortions,” IPPF focused on promoting "safe" abortion -- while making clear that such laws were only one components of its overall mission.
"Advocacy efforts should focus on realizing the ultimate goal of unrestricted access to abortion services, and protection of this right under the law. Abortion services should be made free, safe, accessible and confidential for all women and girls," the report states.
The abortion industry signaled it rejects incremental aims to achieve the eventual recognition of abortion as a human right. "Anything other than full decriminalization will often lead to abortion remaining inaccessible to all but a very small number of women," the report says.
The task of pressuring government officials will fall to local activists in the nations targeted by Bloomberg because, in the words of Kelly Henning, the head of the public health program at Bloomberg Philanthropies, "We want this effort to be sustainable."
If the effort fails, it will not be for lack of resources. In a separate component of its reproductive health plan, Bloomberg partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to enact Family Planning 2020's global reproductive and population goals.
Is Jeb "Ultimately Accountable"?
The association with Bloomberg conflicts with Jeb's record as a two-term pro-life governor of Florida who enacted parental consent laws, allowed the regulation of abortion facilities, did not allow state funds to be used for abortion counseling, and created the state's "Choose Life" license plate.
As one of more than a dozen directors - which include such distinguished names as former Sens. Sam Nunn and David Boren, currently Sen. Cory Booker, and former Bush-43 officials Elaine Chao and Hank Paulson - what responsibility does the former Florida governor bear?
The issue bubbled up in April, giving his yet-unannounced campaign an opportunity to respond.
“Governor Bush was honored to serve on the board of Bloomberg Philanthropies, which does a lot of good work across the world,” Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell told the Tampa Bay Times. "As a board member, Governor Bush did not vote on or approve individual projects or programs."
Although Bush and Bloomberg "disagree on several policy issues, both share a passion for improving education in America," she added - a reference to their mutual embrace of the Common Core curriculum and other policies. 
A spokeswoman for Bloomberg Philanthropies, Meghan Womack, confirmed to the newspaper that directors do not sign off on every project.
But to what extent was Bush active in the issue?
According to nonprofit norms, directors carry deep responsibility for the organizations they help lead. "Regardless of what board members are called, they are in essence the trustees in the literal and legal sense of the term," the National Center for Nonprofit Boards wrote on the responsibilities of board members. "No matter how the organization is structured or the degree of authority delegated to staff, committees, or affiliates, the board and therefore the individual trustees are ultimately accountable."
Bloomberg Philanthropies noted in a press release, "The directors will serve in an advisory and oversight capacity." Bush earned $37,100 in compensation for his nearly five years of service.
"Bush’s people are probably right that as a board member he did not vote on every project," Stephen Phelan, the director of mission communications at Human Life International, told LifeSiteNews. "But Bloomberg has been so open about his foundation’s goals for so long that it really stretches credibility to say that Bush or his people wouldn’t have known that the foundation pushes abortion and other population control efforts."
Bloomberg clarified his goals while accepting his Planned Parenthood award last year. "You can't fight every battle," he said. "The things that are high on my priority list are sensible gun laws...I obviously care about a woman's right to choose...Nobody's a bigger supporter of gay rights." He added that "we need a good immigration bill" that provides amnesty for an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants, "so we can continue our economy."
Bloomberg has described abortion as a "fundamental human right, elevating it to a make-or-break position. "On this issue, you’re either with us or against us.” He once cited abortion among his reasons for endorsing Barack Obama in 2012.
Despite their differences on abortion policy, the billionaire has had no reservations supporting Jeb Bush's candidacy - even before there was one.
Last spring, he called Jeb and Hillary Clinton "two quality” candidates and "the only two who know how to make the trains run."
He also showered compliments upon Bush while introducing him to the New York State Republican Party convention in 2010.
“I couldn’t agree more with this guy,” he said of Jeb. “If there’s anyone I would want on my side waging all those important battles and helping provide the government Americans deserve, it is our next speaker."
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John Jalsevac John Jalsevac Follow John

Planned Parenthood says ‘extremists’ brought down website: critics say possible ‘PR stunt’

Updated 07/30/15 at 1:57 EST
July 30, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) - At the same time as a fourth video exposing Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts was released Thursday morning, visitors who attempted to access Planned Parenthood's website were greeted with a message saying, "Our site is not available due to an attack by extremists."
The page announcing the attack stated that "200,000 people a day are now being blocked from information and care by this attack," and directed visitors who wanted to find out more to Planned Parenthood Action Fund's Facebook page.
At that Facebook page, the abortion giant states that the attack is a "new low" by anti-abortion extremists, and asks for donations to help them "fight back."
However, some are raising questions about the purported attack, pointing out that a look under the hood shows that content from the site appears to be loading without a problem from Planned Parenthood's web server, while they have categorized the "site down" message as a "campaign."
At The Federalist, Sean Davis points out that the splash page also directs users to another page at where they can write their "story" about where they "stand" on Planned Parenthood, in the process of which Planned Parenthood collects their personal information.
"That’s right," says Davis. "Even though redirects to a page saying the site was hacked, the domain still house (sic) a perfectly functional URL and page that are being actively used to help build Planned Parenthood’s fundraising list."
Some hours after the original message was put up, Planned Parenthood changed the message to say simply that the website was "undergoing maintenance."
However, in comments to CNN Wednesday, Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood’s executive vice president, said that the website was originally brought down briefly on Wednesday by a distributed denial of service attack. “Although our websites were back online shortly after the attack, in order to ensure that we are fully protected, we’ve made the decision to take our website offline for a day,” she said, according to Jezebel.
The alleged attack comes days after Planned Parenthood had issued a statement claiming that "extremists" opposed to their agenda, "have called on the world’s most sophisticated hackers to assist them in breaching our systems and threatening the privacy and safety of our staff members."
At that time LifeSiteNews spoke with cybersecurity experts who said the attack appeared to be legitimate, but that it was not as sophisticated as Planned Parenthood claimed, given the outdated version of the abortion behemoth’s webserver.
The abortion giant has been reeling in recent weeks from a series of undercover videos, which appear to show high level Planned Parenthood staff negotiating to profit from the sale of body parts harvested from aborted babies. The videos have also shown the staff describing how they alter the abortion procedure to procure the best specimens possible.
No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.
"Planned Parenthood says it’s been hacked by 'extremists,' but a review of the publicly available evidence suggests that the only things being hacked at Planned Parenthood right now are perfectly healthy and viable unborn babies," said Davis.

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