Thursday, March 31, 2016


March 25, 2016
Saint Peter Damian -- Part I
Sodomy, Pederasty and the Emasculation of a Saint
By Randy Engel


February 23rd on the traditional Roman Catholic calendar is the feast day of one of the greatest saints in the Church, Saint Peter Damian (1007–1072), an Italian Benedictine monk and hermit, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia, a precursor of the Hildebrandine reform in the Church, a key figure in the moral and spiritual reformation of the lax and incontinent clergy of his time and a Doctor of the Church.

I first made the acquaintance of Saint Peter Damian in 2002 when I was researching the history of sodomy and pederasty in the Church in the Middle Ages for The Rite of Sodomy. When I obtained Damian's treatise Liber Gornorrhianus (The Book of Gomorrah) written sometime between 1049 and 1054, as an inter-loan acquisition from Catholic University of America, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Indeed, heaven or Paradiso was where Dante has placed the saintly Peter Damian near the end of his Canto XXI (Seventh Heaven: Sphere of Saturn) in his epic literary masterpiece, the Divine Comedy.

So impressed was I with Peter Damian's work, that I took two months off from my research to pen a two-part series for Catholic Family News (June/July 2002) titled, "St. Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah – A Moral Blueprint for Our Times." Later, I expanded the article for inclusion in The Rite of Sodomy. Today, fourteen years later, this article continues to be the most popular reprint on the New Engel Publishing website.

Naturally, you can appreciate how overjoyed I was to recently learn that a new and beautifully translated, and I might add, affordable version of Saint Peter Damian's treatise has been carried out by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman and published by ITE AD Thomam Books and Media. What makes The Book of Gomorrah and St. Peter Damian's Struggle Against Ecclesiastical Corruption even more attractive is that the translator, like this writer, actually believes what Saint Peter Damian wrote and taught, and what the Church has formally and publicly taught on the "most abominable and exceedingly disgraceful vice" of sodomy, at least until the post-Conciliar era. Indeed, the treatise is as fresh, lively, and pertinent as the day it was presented to Pope Saint Leo IX almost a 1000 years ago.

The Table of Contents to The Book of Gomorrah

Although this article is not a book review, per se, of Hoffman's laudable translation of Saint Damian's classic work, I thought it might be helpful for the reader to at least have an opportunity to review some of the Table of Contents of the treatise. The content of the chapters is self-explanatory:
    I. The beginning of the Book of Gomorrah, by the humble monk, Peter Damian

    II. On the different types of sodomites

    III. That excessive mercy leads superiors to not prohibit the fallen from holy orders

    IV. That those who are habituated to filthy enjoyments should not be promoted to holy orders

    V. Whether it is legitimate for such people to act as priests if the Church has need of it

    VI. That those who seek ordination after having been involved in this vice are of a reprobate sense

    VII. On rectors of the Church who are soiled with their spiritual children

    VIII. Of those who confess their offenses to those with whom they have fallen

    IX. Just as is the case with those who violate nuns, a prostitutor of monks must be deposed in accordance with the law

    X. That both he who falls with his carnal or spiritual daughter, and he who is soiled with his penitential son, should be accountable for the same offense ...
Saint Peter Damian was the first and only Bishop and Doctor of the Church to write a specific treatise on the grave sin of sodomy, a term which is broadly interpreted by him to include the solitary sin of masturbation, masturbation with another, stimulation between thighs, Onanism (contraception), bestiality, sodomy, that is, penetration of the rear of an adult by an adult male, and pederasty, that is, sexual relations between a male adult homosexual and an adolescent boy. The language Damian employs in describing the various acts of sexual perversion is explicit and clear, as are the punishments he assigns to the specific practices mentioned above.

For example, is cases involving pederasty, which is, historically speaking the most universal and enduring form of homosexual behavior, the cleric or religious is to be "publicly beaten" and humiliated "by his loss of tonsure, his face smeared with spittle, bound in chains, worn down with six months of imprisonment, and three days every week to fast on barley bread at sundown," and confined to a monastery in perpetuity under constant guard.

Damian opposes the ordination of sodomites. He is also opposed to unshriven sodomites saying Holy Mass and wrote that "God refuses the sacrifice from an impure priest."

As a word of encouragement to the faithful clerics and laity of his day, as well as those of our own time, Damian argues that "It is no sin to expose the grave sins of the clergy and monks," when he is criticized for his writings by his detractors. "How else will they be lead to repent and do penance?" he asks.

Then Damian asks another excellent question, "How can a sodomite priest, depraved himself, seek to become of intercessor for the sins of others?"

Regarding those clerical sodomites who make a practice of confessing to their partners, Damian notes that not only is the confession invalid, but both men commit sacrilege. Little wonder his words thunder as he describes as "damnable," the sodomite who acts as a priest while vice continues to reign damnably within him."

Damian is especially critical of "sodomites who burn with ambition, but in the afterlife, will burn in hell if they do not repent and do penance. "You strive for the pinnacle of ecclesiastical order. But you store up for yourself on the day of judgment. You first emerge yourself in the depth of sin and then rising yourself up in arrogance," he adds.

The Fish Rots from the Head Down

In his Book of Gomorrah, Saint Peter Damian first attacks the problem of clerical moral laxity and sexual perversions from the top down beginning with members of the Catholic hierarchy, that is, bishops and religious superiors who turn a blind eye to the moral depravity within the ranks of clerics and monks under their rule.

When he speaks of "do-nothing" superiors, the reader can almost feel the earth shake under him:
    Listen, you do-nothing superiors of clerics and priests. Listen, and even though you feel sure of yourselves, tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others; those, I mean, who wink at the sins of their subjects that need correction and who by ill-considered silence allow them license to sin. Listen, I say, and be shrewd enough to understand that all of you alike are deserving of death, that is, not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practice them (Rom 1:32).
Having launched that thunderbolt, Damian then attacks, with even more vehemence, those reprobate bishops and religious superiors who themselves are guilty of heinous sodomitic acts and who prostitute their own spiritual sons – seminarians, priests and monks under their care.

The Emasculation of Saint Peter Damian

When I finished reading the Hoffman translation, just for fun, I decided to take a look at the talks given by Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII on or about the saint's feast day which falls on the 21st of February on the Nervous Order calendar. After all, if the Modernist popes of Virtual Church, which is mired in sodomy and pederasty and other unchaste acts, were sincerely seeking advice on dealing effectively with clerical homosexuality and pederasty, what better source could they go to than Saint Peter Damian?

As I suspected, I didn't find any reference to The Book of Gomorrah by any of the popes mentioned above.

I found one letter memorializing Saint Peter Damian written by Benedict on February 20, 2007, to the Camaldolese Order, a Benedictine monastic order:
    The 1,000th anniversary of his birth is an especially appropriate occasion to examine closely the aspects characterizing his multifacetted personality as scholar, hermit and man of the Church, but especially as a person in love with Christ. ... St Peter Damian felt the presence of the universal Church in the hermitic life so strongly that he wrote in his ecclesiological treatise entitled Dominus Vobiscum that the Church is at the same time one in all and all in each one of her members. ... Lastly, St Peter Damien was the soul of the "Riforma gregoriana," which marked the passage from the first to the second millennium and whose heart and driving force was St Gregory VII. ... he reminded priests of the highest ideal of their mission that they were to exercise by cultivating purity of morals and true personal poverty.
But there was no reference to The Book of Gomorrah.

In his General Audience of September 9, 2009, at Paul VI Hall, Benedict reflected upon

Saint Peter Damian as a lover of solitude and reformer. He acknowledged Damian as one of the best Latinist of his time. He praised the saint for his love of the cross of Christ and his solitary life of a hermit. Benedict brought his Wednesday talk to an end by calling the saint "a man of prayer, meditation, contemplation," and he mentions Damian's attack on corruption in the Church, particularly the vice of simony. Not sodomy, but simony. Not Liber Gornorrhianus, but Liber Gratissimus, Damian's tract on simony.

Other than Benedict's two rather generic talks, I found no references to Saint Peter Damian's most prominent work in connection with the other post-Conciliar popes. What a sad commentary on the state of the papacy.

Even Catholic churches named after the great saint, make no reference to their patron's tract on sodomy. There are online references to the liturgical calendar list for Saint Peter Damian found on numerous Catholic websites where the saint is described as "a reformer," "a papal legate," and a saint who fought simony and upheld clerical celibacy and clerical continence. Only a few Catholic websites mention The Book of Gomorrah.

Until the recent publication of Matthew Hoffman's translation, if one wanted to learn about this most famous of Damian's writing, one would have had to order the book through a library inter-loan service or have gone to other Catholic sources like Catholic Family News or secular sources like WIKI which has an excellent article on Liber Gomorrhianus.

A Brief Criticism of Certain Errors Found in the Author's Preface and Footnotes

Catholics owe Mr. Hoffman a debt of gratitude for his accomplishment and I hope each reader will order at least several copies – one for themselves, one to be used as a circulating copy among family, friends, clergy and members of the hierarchy, and possibly, if one is inclined, a copy for Francis – the "non-judgmental" fellow sitting in the Chair of Peter, and residing at Suite 201, Domus Sanctae Marthae, Vatican City State, 00120.

Having thanked the author for his excellent translation, there remains the less pleasant task of reviewing his long preface and footnotes to The Book of Gomorrah. It appears that once the author departs from the translation, several errors appear which require comment and correction. I don't believe these errors are deliberate. Rather they stem from the author's understandable lack of regarding specific aspects of homosexual behavior which are not widely reported or nknowledge ot correctly reported even when they come from ostensibly Catholic sources.

Animals Cannot be "Homosexuals"

In footnote number 124 in The Book of Gomorrah, Hoffman discusses "species of animals in which some members engage in sexual behavior with same-sex partners. ...." The comment is not without a touch of humor, but the reference needs correction nevertheless.

Animals act on God-given instincts which are directed at the survival of the species. Animals naturally seek out mates of the opposite sex. They do not experience love or lust because they do not possess the same transcendent cognitive and moral component found in man. Therefore, an animal can never be a "homosexual" nor have "same-sex partners."

In artificially-induced environments, a male animal may attempt to mount another male, but this act is normally associated with an act of aggression rather than a sexual encounter. Some homosexual propagandists try to use the example of a species of squamate reptiles as having a homosexual "nature," but these lizards reproduce by parthenogenesis, a form of nonsexual reproduction in which the female reproduces its kind without fecundation by the male.

Pederasty Not Pedophilia

The remaining examples are more complicated, but vastly more important to Catholics.

Let's start with the word pedophilia, that is, adult sexual activity with infants or young children. The term is not used by Saint Peter Damien in The Book of Gomorrah, but it does appear twice in Hoffman's book.

It first appears in the otherwise excellent foreword by Juan Cardinal Sandoval Iniguez, Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara. And secondly, in the author's preface in reference to "pedophile priests" who are protected by their bishops. Otherwise, the author uses the correct term pederasty in his commentary – the word Damian himself employs in his treatise.

Although there are cases of clerical sexual abuse of young, prepubescent children mostly females, in the English-speaking world, the ancient Greek practice of pederasty is the norm for today's adult clerical homosexual predators.

The reader may recall that as late as 1961, the term pederasty was used by the Vatican in its document Careful Selection And Training Of Candidates For The States Of Perfection And Sacred Orders (S. C. Rel., 2 Feb., 1961), which prohibited violators of the sixth commandment, including sodomites and pederasts, from entrance into the novitiate, "since for them, the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers."

However, when the Catholic clerical sex abuse scandal broke into the news in the 1980s, the Vatican and the evil geniuses of AmChurch at the United States Catholic Conference/National Conference of Catholic Bishops (today the USCCB), followed the secular media in dropping the term pederasty in favor of pedophilia to protect the Homosexual Collective and to prevent the Catholic laity from connecting the dots between homosexuality and the clerical abuse of adolescent boys.

Although it is another topic or another day, I would also like to state that while the heterosexual pedophile and the homosexual/pederast share common traits – all are immature, self-absorbed, and high compartmentalized – there are important etiological differences between them. These distinctions are critical in terms of reparative therapy and long-term prognosis.

For these reasons, the term pedophilia, in the two cases mentioned above, should be replaced by the term pederasty.

Homosexual "Orientation" and Homosexual "Acts"

In his preface, under the title, "The Spiritual and Psychological Destructiveness of Sodomy," Hoffman asserts that while Damian repeatedly condemns homosexual acts, he does not identify them with... homosexual "orientation" – the notion that same-sex attraction may be deeply embedded in the psychology of homosexual actors. Hoffman continues, "Damian's work, therefore, is not a criticism of those who merely suffer from homosexual urges or temptations, but rather those who act upon them (emphasis added)." The author's use of the word merely, immediately sent up a red flag to this reviewer.

It was because of this kind of overly benign interpretation given to the so-called "homosexual condition" as referenced in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's (CDF) mischievous document of December 29, 1975, titled "Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics," issued by Franjo Cardinal Seper, Prefect, with Pope Paul VI's approval, that later forced an unavoidable retraction from the CDF. On October 1, 1986, the CDF, now headed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, issued a "clarification" of its earlier document. Titled "On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons," the CDF now declared that the "homosexual condition" is not "neutral" or "good," but it is "a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder."

Pope Saint Gregory the Great, commenting on homosexual desires, deliberately and knowing entertained, says, "So it was just that Sodomites, burning with perverse desires... should perish by fire and sulfur so that through this just punishment they would realize the evil they had committed, led by a perverse desire (emphasis added).

Damian uses the terms "perverse speech" or "perverse counsel" with regard to pederasts, indicating that he was acquainted with various techniques of seduction and "grooming" that the boy lover uses to ensnare his victim before sexually assaulting him.

In the Confiteor we pray at the Traditional Mass, we admit that we have sinned "in thought, word, and deed." It is not only acts that matter. In serious sins, the thought and word precede the deed. This is why our Lord said that "Whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew: 5:28). Throughout The Book of Gomorrah, Saint Peter Damian constantly refers to the burning lust (not love) that drives the sodomite and the pederast. In so far as the homosexual male lusts after or desires another adult male or male adolescent, he has gravely sinned if the conditions for mortal sin are met, that is – grave matter; knowledge of the intellect, and the free consent of the will. This is also true of the lesbian who lusts after another women or a young girl.

Boswell Was a Homosexual Activist

In his excellent remarks in the section of his preface titled "The Rejection Thesis and Other Misinterpretations of the Book of Gomorrah on "revisionist," writers, Hoffman cites the works of a number of pro-homosexual writers and scholars who have distorted the works and certain events surrounding the life of Saint Peter Damian.

Among the scholars he mentions is the late John E. Boswell, whose name jumped off the page at me. Hoffman uses the word "strange" in connection with Boswell's claim that "Peter in fact had no luck in convincing anyone that gay sexuality deserved hostile attention." Strange? Not really.

The author does a good job of dissecting and destroying Boswell's arguments relating to Damian, but, unfortunately, he does not take the time to inform the reader that Boswell was a sodomite who died of AIDS, so his claims against Damian were not so "strange" after all.

Perhaps, Hoffman, as a Christian gentleman, purposely withheld this information from the reader, but this is a mistake. The leaders of the Homosexual Collective, in which Boswell played an important role, takes no prisoners and gives no quarter. Kindness toward the Collective is seen as a sign of weakness and is exploited wherever possible. It is a valuable lesson especially for one so committed to popularizing Saint Peter Damian and his Book of Gomorrah.

I wish Mr. Hoffman all the best in this worthy endeavor. I hope his translation gets the publicity and world-wide distribution it deserves and I hope my criticism will be taken in the spirit of charity in which it was written. His book can be ordered from Ite Ad Thomam Books at .

As for the reader, I trust you will remember the words of Saint Peter Damian, written for his time and our time as well. – "It is no sin to expose the grave sins of the clergy and monks. ... "How else will they be lead to repent and do penance?"

So, please, if you have not made a promise to join the universal battle against the forces of organized perversion, do so today. And continue to pray to Saint Peter Damian for his continued assistance.

[Part II – What Would Saint Peter Damian Say and Do Today?]


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Pro-life leaders speak at a UN panel hosted by the Vatican.
Pat Buckley

Opinion, ,

Pro-life and pro-family NGOs face unprecedented bias at major UN session

March 29, 2016 (European Life Network) -- The 60th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women took place at UN headquarters in New York from March 14 to March 24, finishing around 11.00PM on Holy Thursday. There has always been bias against pro-life and pro-family NGOs at the UN; however this year’s session contained a new and pernicious level of bias, not previously experienced by pro-life and pro-family NGOs.
European Life Network's Pat Buckley, left, and Matercare International's Dr. Robert Walley
This new level of bias first showed its ugly head in the preparations for the session when the pro-life and family NGOs applied for parallel events and were told that only one event would be allowed per organization and then were either refused outright or given slots on the most unsuitable dates and times. Contrast that with the slots, times, dates and numbers of events given to pro-abortion organizations, many of which were given multiple slots for their parallel events, together with more appropriate dates and times. Radical feminist organizations such as the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) for example were given approval for three events – March 15, 2:30 pm, March 21, 10:30 am, March 21 4:30 pm, while the Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) were given 6 events – March 16 8:30 am, March 16 12:30 pm, March 17 6:15 pm, March 21 10:30 am, March 21 4:30 pm, and March 24 2:30 pm.
Click "like" if you are PRO-LIFE!
Second, the CSW approved NGO committee issued a publication for NGOs condemning what they describe as negativity and yes, you have guessed it, negativity consists of the pro-life and family agenda. The following is an extract from the publication, "NGOs and Women’s Human Rights Activists at the UN and CSW," which on page 23 sets out some of the so called negative trends that in the view of the committee have impeded their progress:
• Narrowing the concept of gender to only refer to women and men
• Dissent between pro-life and pro-choice groups
• Opposition to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, in particular sexual rights
• Opposition to “sexual orientation and gender identity” or (SOGI)
• Opposition to “diverse forms of families”
• Opposition to Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
Thirdly, and perhaps more serious than the other problems, was that a new level of inflexibility entered into the inter-governmental negotiations and despite strong representations from many pro-life NGOs, the CSW outcome document, Women’s Empowerment and the Link to Sustainable Development, (Draft) Agreed Conclusions, contains language aimed at increasing access to contraception and abortion and teaching children inappropriate so-called comprehensive sexuality education. The health paragraph also includes a reference to controversial sexual rights.


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Fr. Mark Hodges

(It's time for God-fearing and Bible-believing people to start demanding that these corporations stop
bullying religious people.If it means boycotting these corporations--then so be it.BLL)

Disney threatens to stop filming in Georgia over religious freedom bill

ATLANTA, Georgia, March 30, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s high-profile veto of a commonsense religious freedom bill this week came after an overwhelming pressure campaign by some of the world’s biggest corporations. You could say it was unprecedented if the same scene hadn’t already played out in Indiana last year.
It sounds like a "Who's Who" of corporate America:  Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Delta Air Lines, UPS, Time/Warner, Twitter, the Atlanta Braves, the Atlanta Falcons, the Atlanta Hawks, the National Football League, AIG, Google, Disney, Marvel Entertainment, Dell, Dow Chemical, Hilton, Intel, Intercontinental Hotels, Live Nation Entertainment, Marriott, MailChimp, Paypal, Salesforce, AMC, Square, Turner, Unilever, Virgin, Yelp, Home Depot, and Apple.
All fighting against the religious freedom of natural marriage advocates.
Four hundred companies threatened the state of Georgia with "taking our business elsewhere" if Gov. Deal signed the bill into law.
And they got what they economically coerced the governor to do.  Gov. Deal, after saying he was in no way bowing to pressure, vetoed the legislation, which sought to protect pastors and church organizations from discrimination over beliefs about natural marriage.
Georgia legislators passed the Georgia Religious Freedom Act, which would allow pastors to refuse to perform same-sex "marriage" ceremonies, and would allow religious-based groups to make hiring and retention decisions based upon religious convictions.
Proponents of the bill say they have a right to sincerely held moral beliefs.  Critics call the bill a "license to discriminate."
Disney and Marvel Entertainment threatened to film elsewhere.  Atlanta is a major “on location” filming site for Hollywood, with at least 248 film and television productions shot in Georgia last year alone, pumping $1.7 billion into the state's economy.
Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin issued a statement calling for a boycott of Georgia over the religious freedom bill.  "We urge...studios, major corporations, and fair-minded Georgians to continue speaking out and urging Gov. Deal to veto this heinous piece of legislation.”
Comedy Dynamics (CD), the nation’s largest independent producers of comedy albums and specials, protested the bill as well.  CD President Brian Volk-Weiss wrote the governor, advising him to "veto this bill immediately."
The National Football League even threatened to withhold consideration of Atlanta for a Super Bowl.

Corporate war on religious freedom

Attorney Jane Robbins, Senior Fellow with the American Principles Project, commented on the economic threats to Georgia.  "Good people are trying to live their lives according to their faith.  Are we really going to subordinate religious freedom to the love of money?"
Pastor Garland Hunt of the Fellowship of International Churches told LifeSiteNews, "There is no plausible reason for the governor to not have enthusiastically signed Georgia’s Religious Freedom Act.”
Macon's Berean Baptist Church pastor Joe Bowker told LifeSiteNews of the legislation, "in no way is it discriminatory," because "disagreement is not discrimination."
Robbins characterized America’s corporations as assisting bigotry.  “Anti-religious bigots, emboldened by corporate America and the political left, are now waging all-out war on religious freedom. This crass attempt to bully people of faith is un-American."
Of the many major corporations threatening boycott, Robbins commented, "Ironically, these same corporations have expressed no reservations about making money in countries that put homosexuals to death."
Many of the same corporations which pressured Georgia’s governor also pressured Indiana Gov. Mike Pence into abandoning a Religious Freedom Restoration Act last year -- even though the law was similar to the federal version backed by the ACLU in 1993.
Starbucks, Apple, Angie's List, PayPal, Marriott, Yelp, Salesforce, Eli Lilly, NASCAR, the NCAA, the NBA, the Indiana Pacers and Indiana Fever all made statements against Indiana’s religious freedom bill.
In 2014, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was successfully pressured by corporate America --including Marriott Hotels, Apple, American Airlines, AT&T, Delta Airlines, Intel, Major League Baseball, the Super Bowl host committee and Yelp-- to veto a similar religious freedom bill in her state.
In 2015, Arkansas-based Wal-Mart successfully pressured Gov. Asa Hutchinson to veto a religious freedom bill in the razorback state.
A strong majority of citizens supported the Georgia bill, but it seems, in the land of the free, Big Business still gets what Big Business wants.
Twisting the knife, Gov. Deal not only caved to corporate pressure, but he blamed religious conservatives while vetoing the bill, saying his state will not bow to their pressure.
The National Review’s David French put it, “When Disney says ‘Jump,’ Georgia governor Nathan Deal doesn’t just ask ‘How high?,’ he insults anyone who asks him to stand his ground.”
The result of this trend of corporate bullying is that increasingly, the isolated lawsuits by gay advocates against individual bakers and other Christian business owners are becoming enshrined into law.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


   On page A6 of the Providence Journal of March 8,2015 appears an Associated Press story about the state of Connecticut is trying to pass legislation to prohibit this scandalous practice called "passing the trash" in the public and private schools in the United States.
   "PASSING THE TRASH" is a policy where "A school suspects a teacher of sexual misconduct and forces the teacher out to protect the students.But that teacher can still get a new job in a new school,sometimes with a glowing recommendation."
    * * *
   "Only Pennsylvania,Missouri,and Oregon ban the maneuver,but a federal mandate passed in December now requires states to address its potential risks.Connecticut is considering such legislation."
   * * *
   "The Connecticut proposal says that before schools hire a teacher,they would have to contact past employers and ask if the applicant was ever investigated for abuse or sexual misconduct,or disciplined or asked to resign amid such allegations.Schools would be required to disclose such information,unless the allegations were found to be false."

   This article raises many questions:
     1. Why isn't  this article on the front page????
         When the stories about the ephebophilia in the Catholic church appeared,they were prominently dis plaid on the front pages. This national teachers scandal of sexual offences should be investigated and exposed with the same intensity and thoroughness as the scandal in the Catholic church.
      2. Why is this scandal only now being brought to exposure and allowed to continue.????
           This scandal has been going on for many years.An article about this scandal appeared in the Providence Journal on June 18,2002 and it was also on page A6.Why didn't the PJ's reporters do an           investigation on this scandal back then and save some innocent students their misery and troubles.
       3.  Where were the Boston Globe crack reporter investigators.?????
            They did a good job of exposing and reporting the ephebophylia in the Catholic church. Why didn't they do the same ferocious job on the public schools? The hypocrisy of the Boston Globe is apparent.Were they really against child molestation then they would have exposed this scandal in the schools. They exposed their bigotry against the Catholic church. This scandal is just as big as that which occurred in the Catholic church,if not bigger.Why is child molestation a national outrage when it occurs in a church,but no national outrage when it occurs in schools.
        4.  Why was this cover up by public school administrators,politicians,lawyers,NEA,AFT,etc.,etc..allowed  to continue while innocent students' lives were ruined.        


Gay activists tout victory at NYC St. Patrick’s Parade, pro-life groups remain shut out

Lisa Bourne
NEW YORK,  March 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The 255th annual parade meant to celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick in New York City is instead being touted as a victory for the homosexual movement.
"I never thought I'd see the day when I could march up Fifth Avenue in the St. Patrick's Day Parade with my husband," said Brendan Fay, chairman of the Lavender and Green Alliance, the second homosexual activist group allowed to march in the NYC Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. "When we started in 1991, after getting arrested so many times for protesting the parade, wow, what a moment this is."
The Lavender and Green group follows OUT@NBCUniversal, a pro-homosexual group for NBC employees that was allowed to march in the 2015 parade after decades of pressure from homosexual activists demanding to be allowed to march with an identifying banner, and organizers disposing of the parade’s long-standing policy to maintain focus on Irish heritage.
“We Won!” was the headline of the Irish Queers press release last fall after the Lavender and Green group was approved, with a spokesperson calling the move “a total victory.”
The New York City Saint Patrick’s Day Parade website states the parade is held “in honor of St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland and of the Archdiocese of New York.”
However officials were impervious to Catholics scandalized by their changing the event to one celebrating the homosexual lifestyle.
The deviation from previous policy was to include also acceptance of a pro-life group to march as well, a commitment made by the parade committee that has not been kept, with the last two years having homosexual activist groups march, but no pro-life group.
The Children First Foundation (CFF) had applied for the 2015 parade and been rejected.
The parade committee never returned Personhood Education New York founder Dawn Eskew’s phone calls or emails inquiring into how her pro-life group could apply to march in this year’s parade, Eskew told the National Catholic Register.
“What bothers me is that they never responded,” she said.
“This will be the most inclusive parade in the 255-year history of the parade,” parade chair John Lahey said before this year’s event, according to an NBC New York report. “And really I think it will be the most unifying parade in the past 25 years.”
Lahey, president of Quinnipiac University, is the one who publicly backtracked on the parade committee promise to allow a pro-life group last year, telling the media, “That won’t be happening.”
“What we want to do is keep 2015 focused on the gesture of goodwill we made towards the gay community with the inclusion of OUT@NBCUniversal.”
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (Catholic League) pulled out of the parade last year after 20 years of participation, the group’s president Bill Donohue calling it indefensible that parade organizers had promised him a pro-life group would be allowed but then only permitting the pro-homosexual group.
“We were double-crossed,” CFF President Elizabeth Rex said. “I would never apply again because I fear they could then actually use our entrance to allow pro-abortion groups to march. It’s going to be the end of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which it already is.”
“They’re claiming a complete victory for tolerance,” she said, “but no, they are intolerant to Catholics who believe that life is sacred at the moment of conception.”
Rex was part of a group of Catholics who held a prayer protest today on the 5th Avenue, praying the rosary during the parade.
After organizers turned from the parade’s Irish Catholic focus last year Catholics were further disheartened when New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan not only did not condemn the parade committee decision, but actually called it wise, and then took part in the parade as the 2015 grand marshal.
Cardinal Dolan tried this year to reclaim the parade’s religious foundation, writing on his blog on March 15, “We cannot observe the St. Patrick’s Day Parade without celebrating both our ethnic and religious heritage.”
He pointed out in his column how the parade was established to honor St. Patrick.
“It is important, especially given the strong secular currents in our society today, that we not forget why this parade exists,” the cardinal wrote. “It is not just the Irish Parade: We march to honor St. Patrick. That is why so many cringe at and resist pleas to weaken the Catholic origins of the parade.”
“While everyone is invited to march in the parade and all are welcome,” he continued, “no one is permitted to use it for causes that are extrinsic to its origins.”
But the cardinal went on to thank parade organizers for “assuring us all that the original intent of the parade, which has flourished for over two-and-a-half centuries – – to celebrate the faith, heritage, culture, and tradition of Ireland – – is preserved.”
Pro-abortion, pro-homosexual New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the whole New York City Council took part in the 2016 parade as well, as did New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, also an abortion proponent who previously boycotted the parade for not allowing homosexual activist groups to march.
An estimated 2 million-plus spectators watched the New York parade on the streets of Manhattan, and in another first, it was also broadcast live in Ireland and the U.K. by the Irish TV television channel.

Monday, March 7, 2016


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Mother Angelica, the founder of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)

Fr. Mark Hodges

News, ,

Court rules Obama admin can force Catholic TV network to pay for abortifacient, contraceptive coverage

ATLANTA, Georgia, February 22, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- A three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) must violate its Catholic beliefs and pay for insurance that covers abortifacient drugs and contraceptives.
In its decision, the federal court said, “We accept the plaintiffs’ sincere belief . . . that the accommodation puts them to a choice between honoring their religious beliefs and facing significant penalties. We nonetheless conclude that the accommodation imposes no substantial burden.”
Those government-imposed "significant penalties" could amount to as much as $35,000 every day for EWTN's 350 employees.
However, after ruling, the appellate court suspended any penalties against EWTN until the Supreme Court rules on the mandate later this year.
EWTN had appealed the HHS mandate that requires companies – even religious ones – to pay for insurance that covers abortifacient drugs, sterilization, and contraception for all their employees.
EWTN Chairman Michael P. Warsaw commented, "We are extremely disappointed that the Court has refused to protect our religious freedom... This decision orders EWTN to violate its religious beliefs and comply with the government's HHS mandate or pay massive fines to the IRS."
The ObamaCare-forced coverage "also threatens the financial viability of any organization that disagrees with the administration’s politics," Warsaw noted.  "The mandate makes it impossible for us to live up to (our) core mission... That ultimatum is unfair, unconstitutional and repugnant."
The Becket Fund handled the legal defense for EWTN. "This is wrong," lead attorney Lori Windham said. "Our government wants to punish EWTN for practicing its faith."  She said they will continue to pursue this breech of justice all the way to the Supreme Court.
Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange even joined EWTN's case against the HHS mandate.  
The lone dissenter on the three-judge appellate panel, Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat, a Nixon appointee and a Ford appointee to the nation’s court of appeals, wrote: "The majority runs roughshod over the sincerely held religious objections of EWTN."  Tjoflat noted that at its core, "the majority's reasoning takes aim at the heart of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act itself."
EWTN argued that they should not have to pay for the offending insurance.  "Contraception, abortion-inducing drugs and voluntary sterilization are not healthcare, and the government should not force EWTN to provide them as part of our employer-sponsored health plan."
"EWTN cannot comply with the mandate," Warsaw plainly stated in a New York Times editorial. "We in the untenable position of facilitating access to drugs that go against our beliefs."
The Catholic TV network asked for the prayers of the faithful "as we consider our response to the Court's decision."
Hundreds of other Christian organizations and businesses have also legally challenged the HHS mandate.
EWTN has become the largest religious TV network in the world, broadcasting to over 145 countries in indigenous languages.  The network also includes radio broadcasts, wire services, publishing, the largest Catholic website in the United States, and online and print news services, including "The National Catholic Register.

Sunday, March 6, 2016



Georgetown defends hosting Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards

March 4, 2016 (CardinalNewmanSociety) -- The Cardinal Newman Society broke the news on Wednesday that the Lecture Fund at Georgetown University invited Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) President Cecile Richards to campus this April. The University defended its decision to allow Richards to speak on campus in a statement released yesterday citing Georgetown’s commitment to “the free exchange of ideas.”
“As the nation’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit university, Georgetown University is proud to be a university that deeply values our faith tradition and that encourages the free exchange of ideas,” according to the statement. “We respect our students’ right to express their personal views and are committed to sustaining a forum for the free exchange of ideas, even when those ideas may be difficult, controversial or objectionable to some.”
“They said the same thing when Larry Flynt and Barack Obama spoke at Georgetown,” Cardinal Newman Society President Patrick Reilly told in response to Georgetown’s statement. “Besides a clear bias in the choice of speakers, there’s no sense of moral truth, which is the central point of a Catholic university. Either you accept Catholic moral teaching as true or you do not. In the case of Georgetown, they simply do not.
“In bringing in someone with such a horrendous record of not only advocating ideas that would be contrary to Catholic teaching, but is herself responsible for the deaths of more than two million babies under her watch, Georgetown demonstrates that it does not understand the nature of a Catholic university,” Reilly added.
As the Newman Society reported yesterday, PPFA’s records of “abortion services” disclosed in annual reports show that Richards has overseen the deaths of over 2.8 million babies since taking charge of the organization in 2006. The number of reported abortions increased steadily from 2006-2011 before waning in recent years.
“Ms. Richards is not being paid to speak,” Georgetown’s statement continued. “Student groups may invite any outside speakers and guests to campus. An appearance of any speaker or guest on campus is not an endorsement by the university."
The University added: “We work very hard to ensure that [Catholic and Jesuit] values maintain a privileged place in our community while at the same time providing a forum that does not limit speech either in the content of the view being expressed or the speaker expressing the view.”
And despite a long history of Catholic identity abuses, including many documented by the Newman Society in the current academic year, Georgetown’s statement asserted, “Our Catholic and Jesuit identity on campus has never been stronger.”
According to the University’s Speech and Expression Policy, there are some limits the administration is willing to impose on free speech.
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“The right of free speech and expression does not include unlawful activity or activity that endangers or imminently threatens to endanger the safety of any member of the community or any the community’s physical facilities, or any activity that disrupts or obstructs the functions of the University or imminently threatens such disruption or obstruction,” the policy states. “Moreover, expression that is indecent or is grossly obscene or grossly offensive on matters such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation is inappropriate in a university community and the University will act as it deems appropriate to educate students violating this principle.”
But the policy goes on to stipulate that “these qualifications are naturally subject to interpretation,” and students can file an appeal to the vice president for student affairs through a “Speech and Expression Committee” if they believe the policy has been misapplied.
Many would argue that Richards, as the head of an organization that kills human beings on a daily basis, is a far more controversial speaker than pornography tycoon Flynt, whom the Georgetown Lecture Fund hosted in 1999.
During that controversy, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, who at the time was Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Washington, criticized Georgetown and then-President Father Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., for allowing Flynt to speak on campus.
Speaking on behalf of Cardinal James Hickey, who was out of the country at the time, Bishop Lori said Flynt speaking at Georgetown is “utterly contrary to the Catholic identity of Georgetown University. The university’s actions are indefensible.”

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Marxist Mole: The Story They Can't Kill




The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts is urging the Allied War Veterans Council of South Boston---the organizers of Boston's Saint Patrick's Day/Evacuation Day Parade---to remove the name of Saint Patrick from the event, as it no longer has any meaningful connection to the Catholic Religion of the Apostle of Ireland.

Having succumbed to political pressure orchestrated by Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and Congressman Stephen Lynch, a suborned minority on the Veterans Council has callously betrayed everything that the late John J. "Wacko" Hurley stood for and fought for, and has improvidently discarded his hard won 9 to 0 victory before the U. S. Supreme Court.

As a result, two neo-pagan homosexual organizations will become permanent fixtures in a parade dedicated to the saint who delivered, in a single lifetime, an entire nation from the darkness of paganism. One group is OUTVETS, an organization contrived for the sole purpose of imposing itself on a parade in honor of a Catholic saint. The other group, Boston Pride, is the organizer of the city's repulsive, pornographic "gay pride" parade.

Permitting homosexual groups to march destroys the traditional character of the parade, erases whatever remains of its Catholic identity, and reduces it to a secularized cultural carnival. It has also driven faithful Catholics away, including Immaculate Heart of Mary School, whose float of Saint Patrick blessing the children was, for two decades, the iconic image of the parade.

OUTVETS and Boston Pride have no interest in honoring Saint Patrick for bringing the Catholic Faith to Ireland. For them, Catholicism is an enemy to be defeated. They are exploiting the name of a Catholic saint to promote public acceptance of their sexual behavior and anti-Christian ideology.

It is impossible to honor Saint Patrick by showcasing those who not only express pride in rejecting the religion and morality of Saint Patrick, but who castigate those beliefs as bigotry, hatred, and homophobia.

Please join us in our on-line petition urging the Veterans Council to stop dishonoring Saint Patrick and remove his name from the anti-Catholic spectacle which will occur on March 20th---Palm Sunday!

If you want to defend the name of this glorious saint, which is being exploited and trivialized by the enemies of the Faith to legitimize the mortal sin of sodomy, please forward to us your name, with your city or town, and we will include it on a petition which we deliver to the parade organizers.

Since our religious leaders are silent about this sacrilege against the principal patron saint of the Archdiocese of Boston, it is up to the Catholic laity to protect the good name of Saint Patrick! 

Thank you.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Thomson Reuters


WASHINGTON, March 2 (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential front-runner candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday unveiled proposals for reforming U.S. healthcare that included repealing Obamacare, allowing prescription drugs to be imported, and turning the Medicaid program for the poor into block grants to states.
The plan also calls for the sale of health insurance plans across state lines, full deduction of health insurance premiums from income tax and adds: "We must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance."
Trump, who is the front-runner in the race to become the Republican nominee in November's presidential election, is also proposing allowing individuals to use Health Savings Accounts to pay for out-of-pocket expenses. Contributions to HSAs would be tax-free and could be passed on to heirs without any tax penalty.
The proposals include requiring "...price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure."
On drug prices, Trump departs from standard Republican policy by calling for lowering barriers to cheaper imported pharmaceuticals.
"Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers," the statement says, adding that "Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America."
The proposals also call for reforming mental health programs and institutions, but provides few details about how to do this.
(Reporting by Eric Walsh; Editing by Sandra Maler)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


   What we are seeing on the TV before our very eyes is the national media in action. The media is composed of "presstitutes",not journalists. Prostitutes sell their bodies,presstitutes sell their minds,wills,and the intellectual integrity.
    We're seeing this played out in the media today in this election cycle.The bias of the media is being displayed daily on the TV.
     They have acted as Potus Obama's propaganda agency from the time he first entered  politics in Chicago.
They never told the American people of his communist background. They never told the people who was his mentor,teacher,and best friend that he mentions in his book as "Frank".Frank was a member of the communist party.He was such an  important communist that he wrote articles in communist newspapers in     Hawaii and Chicago.The programs he put into practice centralized more power into the federal government. The main one was Obamacare, which is in effect socialized medicine and 1/7 of our economy. Ben Carson's plan,Personal Health Savings Accounts,would put control of the health system back into the hands of the individual and the family,not some federal bureaucracy in Washington            
   Potus Obama also bailed out Communist Cuba..When the USSR imploded and stopped propping up Cuba,Cuba became an economic basket case.
   In the current election cycle the national media loves Hillary and hates Trump and Cruz. If Hillary is elected it will be,in realty,a third Obama term. Hillary is a socialist/communist,remember Hillarycare.The media hates Trump and Cruz because they are not beholden to the national media and will tell the national media to "shove it".(REMINDER: Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED but not removed from office)
  DON'T TRUST THE NATIONAL MEDIA FOR THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP OR CRUZ!!!!!!!!         If you want to know Trump's ore Cruz's positions on issues go directly to their websites.Don't trust the
national media.     


The Pulse
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Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan
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This must-read column by Peggy Noonan nails the state of our political culture

It has become a cliché to say that this year is unlike any previous election in modern history. But elections reflect more than political theater; they draw on the state of the underlying culture, which sets the boundaries of politics. In her column for the Wall Street Journal two weeks ago, former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan perfectly describes the state of the electorate - embattled, harassed, and yes, angry, but angry only because they are finally fighting back:
I close with a thought about an aspect of modern leftism that is part of the context here.
There is something increasingly unappeasable in the Left. This is something conservatives and others have come to fear, that progressives now accept no limits. We can’t just have court-ordered legalized abortion across the land, we have to have it up to the point of birth, and taxpayers have to pay for it. It’s not enough to win same-sex marriage, you’ve got to personally approve of it and if you publicly resist you’ll be ruined.
It’s not enough that we have publicly funded contraceptives, the nuns have to provide them.
This unappeasable spirit always turns to the courts to have its way.
If progressives were wise they would step back, accept their victories, take a breath and turn to the idea of solidifying gains, of heroic patience, of being peaceable.
Don’t make them bake the cake. Don’t make them accept the progressive replacement for Scalia. Leave the nuns alone.
Progressives have no idea how fragile it all is. That’s why they feel free to be unappeasable. They don’t know what they’re grinding down.
They think America has endless give. But America is composed of humans, and they do not have endless give.
Isn’t that what we’re seeing this year in the political realm? That they don’t have endless give? And we’ll be seeing more of it.
As voters in 12 states and one U.S. territory go to the polls today, six presidential candidates - everyone except Hillary Clinton - represent a fundamental break with the status quo on one or both sides of the aisle. Clinton would be Barack Obama's third term in a pink pantsuit.
Bernie Sanders represents the face of leftism unleashed, stomping the nation's foot down on the accelerator of the social and cultural revolution into full-blown socialism. In his world, the laws of economics have been repealed, and self-righteous moralizing combines with statism to demand that all citizens embrace an assault on life and family or pay an exacting price.
Every other candidate is, in some clear and fundamental way, a reaction by the people that the Left has demanded too much, the Culture of Death has advanced too far, and the long-suffering of the American people is not infinitely elastic.
H/T: Family Institute of Connecticut Action

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Becky Yeh

The Pulse

Viral video featuring former abortionist is changing countless minds about abortion

March 1, 2016 (LiveActionNews) -- A former abortionist is unmasking the lies and secrecy surrounding the abortion industry in a new educational video project that has gone viral on social media.
This doctor has performed over 1,200 abortions. Now, he's revealing what actually happens during a second trimester abortion procedure. This video may just change the abortion debate.
Posted by Live Action on Wednesday, February 24, 2016
In a 4-minute video, Dr. Anthony Levatino reveals the violence of abortion procedures and the risks they pose to women.
Levatino, who performed over 1,200 abortions in the early part of his career as a OB/GYN, describes a second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion procedure, or D&E.
The video, released as part of Live Action’s new educational website,, garnered over 8 million views on Facebook, and has over 230,000 shares and over 95,000 likes (at the time of the article’s publication). The D&E video is one of four depicting the violence against preborn children committed through the most prevalent abortion procedures in America.
Viewers reacted strongly to the message, and some who identified as “pro-choice” had a change of heart.
Many viewers questioned their stance on abortion after seeing the brutality of the second trimester procedure.
A D&E abortion is performed in the second trimester, between 13 to 24 weeks. During a D&E abortion, the abortionist uses a sopher clamp to dismember the preborn child limb from torso. The abortionist then collects the body parts of the aborted baby and reassembles the limbs, head, organs, and other pieces to ensure none are left unaccounted for.
Live Action President Lila Rose called the videos a “game-changer,” and said it is imperative that the reality of abortion procedures be exposed.
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“From our nine years of undercover investigations, Live Action has discovered that abortionists frequently lie to women about how developed their babies are, the brutality abortion inflicts on preborn children, and the risks abortion procedures pose to women’s health and safety,” said Rose. “No one knows more about these lies – or how to unmask them – than an abortionist.”
Levatino, who is now pro-life, changed his mind about abortion after losing his adopted daughter in a car accident. After the tragedy, Levatino says he could no longer commit abortions after seeing the humanity of a victim dismembered by a D&E abortion procedure. also features three additional procedure videos that are accompanied by animations and medical facts, including medical abortion, first trimester aspiration abortion, and the late-term induction procedure.
Reprinted with permission from Live Action News.

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Wesley J. Smith

The Pulse

Doctors at Gronigen U. in the Netherlands kill BORN babies…and it’s perfectly legal

February 29, 2016 (NationalReview) -- Doctors at the Groningen University Medical Center commit infanticide.
If a baby is born with serious disabilities–and the death doctors conclude they will have an “unlivable life”–the baby’s fate is often to be on the receiving end of a lethal injection.
Doctors there even created a how-to-decide-which-babies-to-kill bureaucratic checklist known as the Groningen Protocol.
RELATED: Disabled newborns are being killed LEGALLY in The Netherlands: here’s the proof
That is why I had to chuckle (bitterly) when a reader sent me a story about how the university’s official slogan has been voted worst in Netherlands. From the story:
Groningen University’s slogan ‘Born leaders reach for infinity’ has been voted most stupid university catch phrase in the country in an online poll…
In the meantime, according to the Parool, Groningen has a new slogan ‘Think Bold’ which as several people have already pointed out, is not correct English.
I think official school slogans should be truthful. Thus, I suggest the following: Groningen University: “Where Disabled Babies Are Sent Into Eternity.”
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Nah: Too clunky. Best in these kind of things to be simple and to the point: “We kill babies.”
Reprinted with permission from National Review.


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