Wednesday, May 20, 2015


     On the right side of the posts is a list of good web sites.The site Les Femmes is a site by a  Catholic
grandmother. She tells it like it is--from telling about her family to telling off the bishops when they need
to be admonished. The other good aspect of her blog is her list of good web sites-and it's a long one.
      Several sites are legal sites --The Thomas More Law,Alliance for Freedom,ACLJ,Liberty Counsel,
Judicial Watch. They are daily fighting cases in the courts-state and federal.They are fighting the ACLU
on many issues AND WINNING. That's where I put my money contributions. I don't give to big
bureaucratic charities. I give directly to the charity itself. That way I know that my money is going only to the causes that I believe in. Most of the important issues of today are being fought in the courts.
        Some are devoted to the pro-life cause--American Life League,Human Life Int.
        Several are devoted to telling the truth about homosexuality--Mass Resistance,Narth,
        Two deal with the creation issue-Kolbe Center,Discovery Institute  
  There is a lot of crap on the internet but there is a lot of good web sites which we will add to our list.
         The internet puts control of the news into the hands of the people. WE don't have to rely on the
leftist/progressive/communist media for the news-- we can go directly to any site and get the news
first hand.    
         KEEP THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!