Monday, June 29, 2015


The pope's new encyclical,which is giving the leftist,progressive,communist media political orgasms, gives the pope's personal opinion on the issue of man made environmental hazards. It is not an "ex cathedra" Catholic church teaching. It deserves every Catholic's respectful reading and analysis like any other authoritative book or treatise  by any other world leader.
    Since it is the popes personal opinion it must stand on the merits of his facts and logical presentation When the pope states that the calamitous environmental destruction is caused mainly by man and will do irreparable harm to the earth--upon what facts and information is he basing this on.(I hope his scientific authorities are not cheap imitations of AL Gore or RI's Sen Sheldon Inhouse with European accents) For all his scientific authorities and consensuses you can get just as many and just as eminent scientific authorities with opposing views on this subject. The anthropological theory of man made environmental disasters is a theory just like the theory of evolution--it remains to be proven.
    His proposals for more centralized bureaucratic government (national and international) to control  his theoretical  man-made calamitous environmental disasters would themselves be disasters for man's freedom.
    As to the pope's plea for greater care by all of us of our environment --good. I am a big conservationist.
I think man wastes too much--water and all material things. There should be a greater free will equitable distribution of the worlds goods and resources. This should be a mission of the churches to promote this.
  I agree with the pope in his condemnation of multi-national corporations. Their power should be reduced. They are the enemy of the poor and the average citizen of every country. The policy of "free trade" has been detrimental to our country. They have only one aim--increase the bottom line at any cost. They have used their power to build up other countries while tearing down our country. They have recently used their  power to blackmail states and countries to promote and accept abortion and sodomy marriage.