7 stunning (and disturbing) photos that prove the humanity of preborn children
January 5, 2016 (LiveActionNews) -- Images shape dialogue, and dialogue births change. Photographs that capture the Great Depression, the Holocaust, and the Civil Rights Movement are not only a testament of an era, but also examples of how photos are an effective tool for social change. The powerful images that fill the pages of history have initiated the struggle for justice and propelled the human spirit.Perhaps the most effective method to convey the violence of abortion, the brutality of the abortion industry, and the dignity of human life is through photography. Below are seven moving images that speak volumes of the violence of abortion and the humanity of preborn children.
Warning: contains some graphic images.
1) Baby Adelaide Caines

“Our picture shows Adelaide was not a feotus, she was a fully formed human being,” Caines told the Mirror. “To think that a baby like her could be legally terminated on grounds of a lifestyle choice is to me is horrifying.”
The U.K. Mirror reported that this powerful image of little Adelaide is the only photo her parents have of her living outside of the womb, since Adelaide passed away shortly after birth due to complications.
2) Baby Nathan Isaiah

“His little body was so perfect, with ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes,” his mother said. “He had a nose, a mouth, two little eyes and ears.”
While the family grieved Nathan’s loss, they also shared the value of each human life through Nathan’s story.
3) Gosnell’s “House of Horrors”

One such child named Baby Boy B was discovered during a raid of Gosnell’s abortion facility, frozen in a red biohazard bag among 46 other aborted children. The medical examiner told the grand jury that at roughly 28 weeks, Baby Boy B’s spinal cord had been severed, and his neck bore the familiar scissor wound inflicted by Gosnell. Images depicting Gosnell’s inhumane and barbaric killings of these children underline the violent nature of late-term abortions.
Photo credit: Grand jury report
4) Hands and feet of a 9-week-old child

Since most abortions occur during the first trimester, these images make it impossible to ignore the humanity of a child, even in the earliest stages of life. Fetal imagery exposes the graphic nature of abortion and the violence it inflicts on a preborn child.
5) “Hand of Hope”

Armas’s mother, interviewed 10 years after the iconic image was taken, told Fox News: “Samuel identifies it more in terms of a pro-life message more than anything.” She said, “This photo happened and God used it to show people that this baby in mom’s tummy is alive. He’s pleased that his photo conveyed that message.”
Photo credit: Michael Clancy
6) Forced abortions in China

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“Forced abortion is China’s war against women,” Littlejohn said. “It
is official government rape. Late term babies are injected with poison
in their skulls or drowned in buckets.”Other images of forced abortions in China have also sparked outrage.
7) Baby Walter Joshua Fretz

“I held him, cuddled him, while his heart was beating I held him to my heart,” Fretz recalled. “I counted his toes and kissed his tiny head. I will always cherish those memories that I have of him. He was fully formed and everything was there, I could see his heart beating in his tiny chest.”

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