Monday, January 18, 2016


   Michael Parziale,a dedicated Roman Catholic pro-life warrior,has gone to his eternal reward.
   Mike was a proud and outspoken Catholic.He experienced such joy and happiness from the 
practice of his Catholic faith that he wanted everyone he met to experience that same joy and 
happiness.He was a real Catholic gentleman. On the TV show that he and his beloved wife Angela
produced("TRUTH and COMMON SENSE" )for fifteen years,his sincerity and his love for his Catholic faith was eloquently projected. He had a dedication to Our Lady Of Guadalupe and had a 
portrait of her on the set of his program.(Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to St. Juan Diego over
470 years ago and left a miraculous image of her appearance on his cactus fiber tilma which can be 
viewed to this day in the Basilica near Mexico City.)  It was a direct divine intervention into the 
affairs of the human race.
    Mike was an intrepid pro life warrior. He was one of God's pro life grunts.He fought in the trenches-
on the streets in front of the abortion killing clinics  on Broad Street or Pine Street,or testifying before 
RI legislative committees against abortion,or on his TV program.He took pride in the number of babies he saved from the abortion slaughters in front of the abortion killing clinics.
    Mike was truly "a man for all seasons"
    God bless Michael and Angela..