Sunday, January 31, 2016


Media Research Center. America's Media Watchdog
Seems as though the liberal broadcast media are hiding the truth. Again. They are blatantly censoring the Hillary Clinton email scandal, where even the Associated Press confirmed that the State Department found emails containing top secret material.
The response last night by the media? Crickets. World News Tonight set aside the least amount of air time. The ABC program devoted a total of one minute and 28 seconds to the development, as Jonathan Karl folded his coverage of the story into a segment about the Democratic presidential race in Iowa!
The issue is extremely serious, for national security and government accountability reasons, and potentially could destroy Hillary Clinton’s political career. The liberal media know this, which is why they are spinning, downplaying, or censoring news about the investigation – all to protect Clinton.
A Timeline of Spinning Stories:
Mid-August: FBI took possession of Clinton’s server, only to find out all emails from the server had been erased. Clinton stated she never received or sent classified data through her private email.
Now? Clinton says she never sent classified emails MARKED classified. Hmmm…media!
September: the former campaign staffer who installed and maintained the server in Clinton’s house, Bryan Pagliano, pleaded the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination before a House committee. CBS completely ignored the news, as well as Univision and Telemundo. ABC and NBC gave minimal coverage and downplayed the issue. The same week – NBC’s Chuck Todd reported there was no smoking gun, and that it looked like Clinton was “out of jeopardy.”
Fast forward to the presidential debates in January, where NewsBusters reports that major broadcast networks offered a total of five minutes and 15 seconds to the debate, but made no effort to mention the new details that broke pertaining to the highly classified nature of some e-mails found on her private server.
ABC’s World News Tonight spent a portion of its 2016 report dithering over recently-posted video of a young Ted Cruz telling the camera that he’s wishing to grow up and to have “world domination.”
Today: As shared by NewsBusters, Today’s Morning Joe with senior political analyst Mark Halperin stated that “the body language among some Obama Administration officials is, this is more serious, and something’s going to happen.”
The lack of coverage of the Clinton email scandal has gone on long enough. We need to demand truth in media and encourage the fair and objective coverage of this scandal. Without the truth, Clinton's actions could severely threaten the national security of our great country.
The MRC has documented and exposed this liberal media agenda through NewsBusters, MRCTV, the News Analysis Division, a nationally syndicated column by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham, and through interviews of our expert staff on talk radio and television. It is contributors like you that allow us to keep on the front lines of this scandal, exposing the truth that the media just don’t want you to hear.