Friday, May 29, 2015


On Wednesday,June 3rd,The Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Charles Lwanga who was mytyrd by his homosexual king.Charlie and his friends  refused to participate in the homosexual orgies of
his king in Africa. Is this what the future holds for us in the Americas.Only time will tell.
Also Ireland has passed a national sodomy marriage law. If they have the same media and school system as we do --so what else is new??? The children have been propagandized into thinking that sodomy(thats what homosexuality is-- the practice of sodomy)is good. Sodomy marriage laws just legalize sodomy.
            The ST Charles Lwanga Story

  The bishops of the catholic church have not protected the morals and faith of the catholic children in the public schools. The parents have neglected their children in the same way.They have let the schools do what ever they wantedThe bishops should have shouted from the housetops concerning sodomybeing promoted in the schools. The same goes for the parent who is the primary educator of their children plus the fact that they pay the taxes that pay for the schools.The catholic church in America has become a self imposed catacomb church. They go to Mass on Sunday and then retreat to their catacomb homes and leave the public square to everyone else.Instead of the church evangelizing the culture,the culture is evangelizing the
the church.In this respect Vatican II was a dismal failure.

A New York times reporter  reported that a multi- millionaire pro homosexual stated that they will fight to have the Catholic church remove sodomy/homosexuality from their mortal sin list.This is the fight that is coming.They have the resources and the media control to carry on this battle.
What people forget(with the aid of the media) that they did the same thing with the American Psychiatric Association. They BULLIED the APA to remove sodomy/homosexuality from their disorder list and  won because the APA delegates caved to their demands and folded up.
    Will the Catholic church fold up in this coming battle? They caved in on the recent battle over sodomy marriage in Mass. and RI. Especially the Knights of Columbus here in RI and Mass. The KoC went AWOL.Will the they go awol on the national battle over sodomy marriage?? Will the catholics and the KoC go awol on  the coming battle to remove sodomy/homosexuality from the Catholic churches mortal sin list??  We will see!!!!!!!!!!!