28 May 2015
Now that activist judges are increasingly overturning laws passed by super-majorities of voters, the legal definition of marriage is rapidly changing in a number of states, and the floodgates have been opened, allowing the demonization of core Christian religious beliefs. Christians who don’t believe in what the 2% gay population in the nation believe in, are called bigots by the left-of-center liberal media establishment and by radical gay rights activists. The attempt to fundamentally transform the American family, as well as Christian beliefs, has taken on new speed and new dimensions, with the strong but stealthy support of the occupant in the Oval Office.
Assaults on Christian religious beliefs have been met with weak-kneed responses by religious leaders in the Protestant, Episcopalian, and Catholic denominations, and by the majority of members of Congress who have remained silent for over six years while the assault on Christian beliefs has gained momentum.
Obama, by forcing the US military to become the first major military force in the world to become openly homosexual, has negatively affected the morale, unit cohesiveness, and the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces. In just one year, 11,000 straight male members of the US military have been sexually assaulted by openly gay men who are now being recruited to join the US Armed Forces.
Christians who, because of their core religious beliefs, do not believe in or support same sex marriage or abortion have been persecuted, demonized, and aggressively intimidated by radical gay activists who make repeated false claims of bigotry. Christian business owners, for simply refusing to support same sex marriages on religious grounds, have had radical gay rights activists attempt to criminalize them for their religious beliefs, and file destructive law suits against them. Of course, we haven’t seen these same radical gay rights activists have the courage to try to force Muslim business owners to support same sex marriages. Why? They realize there would be an explosion of open hostility in response.
The following article entitled “Faith Crimes” goes into more detail about how Christians practicing their sincerely held religious beliefs are being persecuted in Obama’s America.
[Listen to this interview with the foregoing article’s author on The Joe Miller Show]
FAITH CRIMES: How courageous Christians practicing their religion are being persecuted in Obama’s America
By WND. The rising persecution of Christians worldwide is, of course, one of today’s most heart-wrenching and consequential trends, with daily reports of Christian believers being murdered, tortured, kidnapped, raped or sold into slavery.
But there is another story of growing Christian persecution, which – if not as terrible in scale and severity – is even more inexplicable. That is the rapidly expanding marginalization, demonization and criminalization of the free practice of the Christian faith in the United States of America – a nation uniquely founded upon religious liberty. . .
While Christian persecution around the world is perpetrated primarily by Muslims and communists, in America the persecution is driven by a seemingly odd and improbable source: homosexuality, and the influential activist movement that has grown up around it.
Today, that movement has become the spear-tip with which the far left is finally achieving its longtime goal of attacking, intimidating – indeed, legally prohibiting – the free exercise of religion in America.
Legislation currently sweeping the country outlaws counseling help for minors who want to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions; decrees that boys and young men must be allowed to use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms if they claim to identify with the opposite sex (and vice versa); mandates pro-homosexual indoctrination of children as young as five; requires the integration of open homosexuals into the military; forces same-sex marriage on the nation; and, perhaps most disturbingly, criminalizes Christian businesspeople for simply opposing homosexuality or same-sex marriage on moral and religious grounds. Should the Supreme Court mandate homosexual marriage throughout the nation, say experts, the persecution will increase exponentially.
“Many thought same-sex marriage would be the crowning achievement of the gay rights juggernaut,” says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. “But then, suddenly, the focus shifted to ‘transgender rights,’ with Time magazine’s ‘Transgender Tipping Point’ issue announcing ‘America’s next civil rights frontier’ and Vice President Joe Biden declaring transgender discrimination ‘the civil rights issue of our time.'”
Adds Kupelian: “The secret of this never-ending, always-expanding revolutionary movement is that it has the full support of the far left. Not because the left particularly loves people who are homosexual, bisexual and transgender for themselves, but because finally the left has found its weapon, with which – as it has dreamed of doing for decades – it can effectively attack, marginalize, demonize and criminalize its greatest enemy: the Christian religion.” (Read more about Christian persecution in America HERE)
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Read more at http://joemiller.us/2015/05/faith-crimes-christian-persecution-in-obamas-america%e2%80%8f/#zcctgJrSrgzSlIHI.99
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