News & Views 1
- A train crashed and because of excesive unexplained speed. Questions arise. 1Are these trains controlled by computers? 2.Can someone outside of the train get complete control of these trains? 3.Can the authorities ascertain that the computers had been compromised????
- Mr. Stepingonallofus of ABC news,who is supposed to be an objective journalist was caught donating to the Clintons library.So what's new????? These so called journalists are nothing but high priced politically correct presstitutes.In the last two elections they acted like pom-pom girls for the Obama campaign.In the last election the people had a clear choice between a left/progressive/communist type and a private enterprise,free market,free enterprise,entrepreneur and the uninformed people elected the former The media kept them dumb and happy. We have had eight years of leftist/progressive/communist rule The media. acted like Obama's propaganda ministry since he first entered politics.