Thursday, March 17, 2016


   On page A6 of the Providence Journal of March 8,2015 appears an Associated Press story about the state of Connecticut is trying to pass legislation to prohibit this scandalous practice called "passing the trash" in the public and private schools in the United States.
   "PASSING THE TRASH" is a policy where "A school suspects a teacher of sexual misconduct and forces the teacher out to protect the students.But that teacher can still get a new job in a new school,sometimes with a glowing recommendation."
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   "Only Pennsylvania,Missouri,and Oregon ban the maneuver,but a federal mandate passed in December now requires states to address its potential risks.Connecticut is considering such legislation."
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   "The Connecticut proposal says that before schools hire a teacher,they would have to contact past employers and ask if the applicant was ever investigated for abuse or sexual misconduct,or disciplined or asked to resign amid such allegations.Schools would be required to disclose such information,unless the allegations were found to be false."

   This article raises many questions:
     1. Why isn't  this article on the front page????
         When the stories about the ephebophilia in the Catholic church appeared,they were prominently dis plaid on the front pages. This national teachers scandal of sexual offences should be investigated and exposed with the same intensity and thoroughness as the scandal in the Catholic church.
      2. Why is this scandal only now being brought to exposure and allowed to continue.????
           This scandal has been going on for many years.An article about this scandal appeared in the Providence Journal on June 18,2002 and it was also on page A6.Why didn't the PJ's reporters do an           investigation on this scandal back then and save some innocent students their misery and troubles.
       3.  Where were the Boston Globe crack reporter investigators.?????
            They did a good job of exposing and reporting the ephebophylia in the Catholic church. Why didn't they do the same ferocious job on the public schools? The hypocrisy of the Boston Globe is apparent.Were they really against child molestation then they would have exposed this scandal in the schools. They exposed their bigotry against the Catholic church. This scandal is just as big as that which occurred in the Catholic church,if not bigger.Why is child molestation a national outrage when it occurs in a church,but no national outrage when it occurs in schools.
        4.  Why was this cover up by public school administrators,politicians,lawyers,NEA,AFT,etc.,etc..allowed  to continue while innocent students' lives were ruined.        

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