Saturday, March 5, 2016




The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts is urging the Allied War Veterans Council of South Boston---the organizers of Boston's Saint Patrick's Day/Evacuation Day Parade---to remove the name of Saint Patrick from the event, as it no longer has any meaningful connection to the Catholic Religion of the Apostle of Ireland.

Having succumbed to political pressure orchestrated by Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and Congressman Stephen Lynch, a suborned minority on the Veterans Council has callously betrayed everything that the late John J. "Wacko" Hurley stood for and fought for, and has improvidently discarded his hard won 9 to 0 victory before the U. S. Supreme Court.

As a result, two neo-pagan homosexual organizations will become permanent fixtures in a parade dedicated to the saint who delivered, in a single lifetime, an entire nation from the darkness of paganism. One group is OUTVETS, an organization contrived for the sole purpose of imposing itself on a parade in honor of a Catholic saint. The other group, Boston Pride, is the organizer of the city's repulsive, pornographic "gay pride" parade.

Permitting homosexual groups to march destroys the traditional character of the parade, erases whatever remains of its Catholic identity, and reduces it to a secularized cultural carnival. It has also driven faithful Catholics away, including Immaculate Heart of Mary School, whose float of Saint Patrick blessing the children was, for two decades, the iconic image of the parade.

OUTVETS and Boston Pride have no interest in honoring Saint Patrick for bringing the Catholic Faith to Ireland. For them, Catholicism is an enemy to be defeated. They are exploiting the name of a Catholic saint to promote public acceptance of their sexual behavior and anti-Christian ideology.

It is impossible to honor Saint Patrick by showcasing those who not only express pride in rejecting the religion and morality of Saint Patrick, but who castigate those beliefs as bigotry, hatred, and homophobia.

Please join us in our on-line petition urging the Veterans Council to stop dishonoring Saint Patrick and remove his name from the anti-Catholic spectacle which will occur on March 20th---Palm Sunday!

If you want to defend the name of this glorious saint, which is being exploited and trivialized by the enemies of the Faith to legitimize the mortal sin of sodomy, please forward to us your name, with your city or town, and we will include it on a petition which we deliver to the parade organizers.

Since our religious leaders are silent about this sacrilege against the principal patron saint of the Archdiocese of Boston, it is up to the Catholic laity to protect the good name of Saint Patrick! 

Thank you.