organization. Potus Obama is working to "transform" our constitutional republic into a socialist republic like they had in eastern Europe and have in Cuba. When Soviet Union imploded and could not support Cuba, leftist,progressive,communist Potus Obama bailed out the communist government of Cuba with the help of the pope. BLL)
By Mary Anne Hackett, President, Catholic Citizens of Illinois
On the weekend of November 21-22, the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development will be taken up in the Catholic Churches around the country and once again, the Catholic Media Coalition, of which Catholic Citizens of Illinois is a member, is urging a boycott of the collection. CCHD professes to assist the poor, not by direct charity, but by developing projects that enable the poor to help themselves. In reality, the bulk of donations go to community organizing groups that agitate for the leftist agenda often in direct conflict with Catholic teachings.
Over the years the controversy about the CCHD has continued because of the bishops’ failure to institute change. Many Catholics will remember the millions of dollars funneled to ACORN before its scandalous activities leading to the mortgage and bank collapse were exposed. Several times the CCHD has pledged to reform but its direction remains unchanged.
In the 2013-2014 years’collection, 50% of CCHD Grants were given to Alinskyian organizations. According to Stephanie Block, an expert on Allinskyian organizing, CCHD, under the guise of “charity,” channels money solicited from the faithful into groups that promote abortion, contraception, euthanasia, homosexual activism, and socialist economic policies. Many CCHD-funded organizations are actively working to change Church teaching.
For forty-five years the CCHD has shamelessly pushed aside any corrective reform efforts, expanding its Alinskyian networks into more cities and exporting the twisted theology of Alinskyian organizing into other countries.
The Catholic Media Coalition and its individual member groups urge Catholics in the pew to “Just say NO!” to the CCHD collection this month. Give your hard-earned money to groups that really serve the poor.
Watch the video below:
Note: The Lepanto Institute, under the direction of Michael Hichborn, who was formerly director of American Life League’s Defend the Faith Project, has prepared two detailed reports for recent CCH funding periods – one of them being 2014-2015.
About the Catholic Media Coalition: The Catholic Media Coalition is an organization of Catholic writers, webmasters, editors, and others engaged in producing media for and about the Catholic Church. Coming from all over the United States and members of different approved Catholic Rites, we welcome all practicing Catholic members of the media who are loyal to the Magisterium and Church teaching
Mission Statement: To report truthfully about the Catholic Church and to defend, foster, and spread authentic Catholic Faith and Culture.
On the weekend of November 21-22, the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development will be taken up in the Catholic Churches around the country and once again, the Catholic Media Coalition, of which Catholic Citizens of Illinois is a member, is urging a boycott of the collection. CCHD professes to assist the poor, not by direct charity, but by developing projects that enable the poor to help themselves. In reality, the bulk of donations go to community organizing groups that agitate for the leftist agenda often in direct conflict with Catholic teachings.
Over the years the controversy about the CCHD has continued because of the bishops’ failure to institute change. Many Catholics will remember the millions of dollars funneled to ACORN before its scandalous activities leading to the mortgage and bank collapse were exposed. Several times the CCHD has pledged to reform but its direction remains unchanged.
In the 2013-2014 years’collection, 50% of CCHD Grants were given to Alinskyian organizations. According to Stephanie Block, an expert on Allinskyian organizing, CCHD, under the guise of “charity,” channels money solicited from the faithful into groups that promote abortion, contraception, euthanasia, homosexual activism, and socialist economic policies. Many CCHD-funded organizations are actively working to change Church teaching.
For forty-five years the CCHD has shamelessly pushed aside any corrective reform efforts, expanding its Alinskyian networks into more cities and exporting the twisted theology of Alinskyian organizing into other countries.
The Catholic Media Coalition and its individual member groups urge Catholics in the pew to “Just say NO!” to the CCHD collection this month. Give your hard-earned money to groups that really serve the poor.
Watch the video below:
Note: The Lepanto Institute, under the direction of Michael Hichborn, who was formerly director of American Life League’s Defend the Faith Project, has prepared two detailed reports for recent CCH funding periods – one of them being 2014-2015.
About the Catholic Media Coalition: The Catholic Media Coalition is an organization of Catholic writers, webmasters, editors, and others engaged in producing media for and about the Catholic Church. Coming from all over the United States and members of different approved Catholic Rites, we welcome all practicing Catholic members of the media who are loyal to the Magisterium and Church teaching
Mission Statement: To report truthfully about the Catholic Church and to defend, foster, and spread authentic Catholic Faith and Culture.