Friday, October 2, 2015


   In the news is a story about another school massacre. These schools are gun free zones.These terrorists
and/or wacko's are attracted to these populated gun free zones because they know they can go on a human turkey shoot and have no push back or shoot back. The illogic of this policy is profound. A  correlation of this policy is gun free police.This was the case in this massacre.There was an officer in this school but he was
gun free!!!!!!  
   Potus Obama was on the TV lamenting  and complaining about the numerous massacres at gun free zone
schools and public buildings.He being a good leftist,progressive,communist would like to see the guns taken
away from all the citizens.Only the government would have weapons to impose its will.
   The best way to stop a bad man/woman with a gun is a good man/woman with a gun. In effect we are all
first responders in today's world. The three American heroes in France are a good example of this.We the
American citizens have our own secret army. It consists of all the men/women who have concealed weapons
permits ie.civilians,off duty police,retired police,ex-military personnel. These are really the first responders.
   A while back the terrorists were proclaiming they were going to shoot up our malls.I say "Bring it on,baby,
bring it on". I believe they had second thoughts about that plan because most malls are not gun free.My hope
is that all those who have a concealed weapons permit  carry their weapons out in the public whereever they
go.If any terrorist or wacko tries to kill innocent people let our secret first responders put them down like
the mad dogs that they are.