In 1981,George Sterling,who worked tor the FCC in a number of roles during the war
before being appointed its commissioner in 1948,told a Providence Journal reporter
that he never understood why the United States was caught by surprise in the
Dec. 7,1941
attack on Pearl Harbor since the Chopmist Hill listening station had for months been
intercepting Japanese messages in the Pacific indicating an impending attack.
If this is true then our government knew the Japanese were going to attack us and our government
deliberately lied to the American people and are responsible for the unnecessary carnage of Pearl Harbor.
(There was a similar unit that decrypted the Soviet espionage messages being sent back to Russia by the Red
spies in this country known as the 'Venona Project'.by US Army intelligence.This was so secret that even
Pres.Truman was not aware of it. Some of the Red spies who sent messages were never uncovered.)
In the same issue there is an oped piece by Ed Calouro(We were right to use A-bomb) .If the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had no direct military targets in them then we were morally wrong to bomb innocent civilians in the cities.We bombed civilian cities in Europe and that was wrong.
Had we decided to invade Japan and we were opposed by a massive Japanese army then we would have been morally right to use the A-bomb to destroy that army because that would have been a direct military